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Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:35 pm
by Talisman
I don't know why I decided to make the subject tagline modeled after a line of dialogue, but it might have something to do with there being a lot of natural sugars in this smoothie that I'm drinking too fast. Anywho, I hope the tagline at least had the clarity to speak to the point of this subject. I'd like to catch up with you all. What's everyone been up to in life?

Personally, I've been still trudging through the thick of engineering school, but it's not all dismal--I actually enjoy my studies a great deal! Unfortunately my schedule has had me busy during EU prime lately, so I've sort of fallen off the deep end here as I was always a bit like the ugly EU adopted NA-er on this server during my peak playtime. So instead for leisure I've been bouncing around a ton of single player or small multiplayer games. Games that I can pick up and put down without great consequence or feeling guilty (Total War: Warhammer, XCOM2, Town Of Salem, ect), as RP requires a lot more time investment for me to feel like I'm satisfying my high standards on portraying my character. Uhh, what else? I've still been dating the same lady for 2 and a half-years, and it's been long-distance the entire time, so I guess that's pretty absurd by normal standards. Wow. There really isn't all that much going on in my life, really. I guess lastly I wanna say that I do want to try to play on some weekends, but we'll see. I'd definitely love to have some RPs on TER again.

That was pretty long. Please don't use my post as an example of required length, hah.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:01 pm
by blatob
Doing TER. Enjoying summer, which was quite interesting. Wishing for a cabin in woods. Well, apartment in woods with internet and running water and cable. Local situation worsening.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:26 pm
by Kilaana
Hey. I've been retreating a great deal from TER in the past few months to deal with real-life personal issues. Things are not well with me and probably won't be for a long time, I've had to put myself as a priority first so I don't descend down a very dark place.

On the bright side though, I've had the opportunity to catch up on some valuable time with my family, my mother especially, making up for a lot of lost time when she was a working mother and I was kind of a latchkey kid. My grandmother also suffered a very sudden stroke, and I've been helping take care of her in hospital. She's made a recovery that's nothing short of miraculous, so thank the heavens for that.

As for long-distance dating, heh, I've done that for at least 5-10 years (no, seriously, I'm not kidding), so I can get behind anyone who dares to do the absurd. When I'm not beating my head up over TER, I'm usually waist-deep in rogue-lites like Darkest Dungeon, or whoring myself out on survival simulations like Oxygen Not Included, The Long Dark, The Flame In The Flood, Don't Starve and the like. I also like to pretend I can rule ancient civilisations with city-management games like Children of the Nile, and when I need to indulge in tomboy mode, I go for Shadow Run Tactics: Blade of the Shogun, Diablo 3, and the Metro 2033 series.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:42 am
by Holy_Rage
Well, if that smoothie had such an effect on you, Talisman, I would like to have some too :)

I have been enjoying a long and very late summer vacation, just the way I like it. Still got a tenday left, so very happy to spend it in the company of my family. I celebrated ten years of marriage with my companion (I hate the word "wife"). Playing with young kids is especially invigorating, gives you the time to stand back and take a much simpler look on life, which is a luxury! Life has been treating me well in any case, my business has been doing also well. I have great plans for this winter and they include TER, which I like to think of in the fondest terms as my RP home.

Gaming-wise, when not gaming in TER, I am trying to beat a most nasty roguelike game called Sil, which is a fantastic thematic depiction of the First Age of Tolkien. Game is free (link here) and there is even a budding online community playing it online ( It is a masterpiece of game design and I cannot recommend it enough. Also, when you find Angrist or the Ring of Barahir, you are guaranteed to have a Tolkien-gasm.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:45 pm
by Kerstman
My yearly rhythm always shows a huge boost in social activities in and around summer time. A lot of passive (read: see sports on tv) and active sports. Even when I do not make plans for an evening I usually end up having a drink and / or dinner with someone. Lots of barbecues too. And that is after work, which is plenty taxing as it is. I did a replay of Bioshock 1 and 2. Made another attempt at Planescape: Torment before I shall be touching the Numenera thingie. Shogun Total War 2 was a welcome strategy game. Then suddenly I decided to do some prepping for my month long backpacking trek through Vietnam and Cambodja in November and on top of that the past month and a half have all been about buying an apartment and making the necessary preparations for it while the market is killing over here. Since this week I have learned to appreciate STALKER Call of Pripyat for some good old post-apocalyptic eastern European mutant hunting.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:49 am
by Talisman
Wow! Thank you all for catching up with me!


We all have ups and down, and one of the greatest cures for those downs can be family, so I am glad you're finding so much time for them! Please be well and continue to take good care of yourself! BTW still going strong on my LDR (Long-Distance Relationship)


Totally out of smoothies, but if you a man who enjoys a gentleman's amount of marijuana (who is surprised?), I might be able to hook you up! As a man who gets to travel all the time, I am curious what a vacation looks like for you! After reading you post, I tried Sil for a while! It was pretty neat, but then my roving attention span and demanding life moved me away from it. I made it to like the 5th floor? Hahah. The AI was tricky sometimes! Archers in corridors especially. Ouch. BTW, I also dislike the word "wife," mostly because it has a not-so-clean history when it comes to woman's rights in that it has that sort of old-fashioned "property" connotation. THAT SAID, I know women that like to be called the term. Some things are just deeply embedded in our culture.


Be safe out there!


Dope game choices, my dude! All of those are great games in my book. I HAVE NO IDEA how you are able to do SO MUCH traveling, but I am envious! Just be careful when you're out there deep and away from home!


I don't really have any updates to my life that are super intriguing. I'm building up a professional network, getting A's in classes, nerding out whenever I can, and enjoying a social life when I am willing, hahah.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:11 pm
by Kerstman
Talisman wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:49 am

Dope game choices, my dude! All of those are great games in my book. I HAVE NO IDEA how you are able to do SO MUCH traveling, but I am envious! Just be careful when you're out there deep and away from home!
For my amount of traveling it helps to live in a Western European country where they have very clear regulations on a healthy minimum of annual vacation days from the office. I've heard some horror stories from people from mostly the USA that make me cringe when it comes to that. Next to that it's all about having a plan, an attitude and a state of mind for traveling and new experiences. Pocket money also helps ofcourse. I'd say everyone can do it if my personae of imperfection can do it. Next plans are driving for two weeks across Albania and Kosovo and seeing who may hop on board the vehicle. *Already feels the burning glares of Blatob and Panos*

For the rest still fairly busy with work, trying to switching work, social life and apartment stuff. Also I must admit some game time is sacrificed to playing the entire Witcher trilogy for a second time again and doing some co-op Divinity Original Sin together with good old Darenor.

Any other updates?

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:42 am
by Kilaana
Hey Kerst, good to hear you're enjoying life and thanks for dropping in.

Give Darenor a hello from all of us here, eh?

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 6:19 am
by Talisman
USA? Nightmare? Naah. Never.. *Dripping sarcasm* Don't get me wrong, I'm not an American "apologist" with no pride or identity in my nation, but we def. got problems both domestically and abroad. I'm still hoping we get our shit together eventually, but there comes a cost when you live in a country with hundreds of cultures and mindsets. Our politics just swing erratically from one Administration to the next, and it's not gonna change for the better until we become a more progressive people. The coastal, more developed regions of America are very similar to Europe in mindset, but we have a huge center of devoutly religious, backwoods people that tend to rise up and do things like elect Trump every now and again.

No reeaaaal updates here. Still in engineering college, about a year out from graduation. Now actually working at an engineering job, which is coo'. Getting experience with a government group that focuses on remediating rivers, lakes, and estuaries. I went to Costa Rica over Christmas break and got to hike volcanoes, chill in natural hot springs, be surrounded by monkeys and zipline through canopies! That was fun and a nice refresher of being in another country. Speaking of, I'm considering going to Germany, the Netherlands, or Denmark for graduate school. Been working on learning some German. Most likely will just end up here still, but it's an idea.

That's cool that you have a friend to play Divinity with! Played the second game by myself recently, but thought it might be fun with a friend. I've been wanting to RP again, but it's just so frustrating to start a new storyline with great potential and then have to abandon it shortly after due to RL business. It's disappointing for me and the people I reel in with the stories, so I've just felt like I have to avoid RP for the sake of everyone involved. Still, I pop on here and there on Ginny because she doesn't usually latch onto people or create long storylines like Elis does. An easy pick up and put down character.

Re: Hey, you! What have you been up to, friend?

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:51 pm
by Kerstman
Darenor says hi to y'all :)

@Talis, if you ever come to Western Europe feel free to let me know. If there is a window of opportunity for meeting up and having a drink that'd be good fun.