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Looking for the house

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:46 pm
by blatob
Jonan tries to get informations from censor's office about some homes in Sarshel and Outentown and their availability for purchase.

In particular, he would ask informations about former Ornak's home in harbor, as well as the house on the hill overlooking the road south of Outentown, as well the houses at the pastures north of Outentown with stables.

*Clarification: aim is to get house with stables, or where stables or barn can be built along, in the country, or the apartment in Sarshel, where, presumably, communal stables would be used. Jonan was asked to help with this, presumably because he may know few people (mistaken belief, I would say), and that he can speak some sort of common locals might understand.*