Out of our Feckin Eads!

For out-of-game events, wrapping up in-game adventures and rumours.
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Out of our Feckin Eads!

Postby EppyAl » Sun May 06, 2018 9:37 pm

*Allie would sit awake... the recent events preventing her from sleeping, even after assisting Jonan with his wounded arm... the images of the fleshless skull, the breathing of maggots, the puss dripping tree and most of all the three creatures. She sat staring at the sleeping man, her hands wrenching, though sleep wanted to take her, she knew to sleep would make the nightmares come, and she had enough of those while awake today to not tempt more. Why did all the god thumpers have to be somewhere else... Artemis gone, Jerek and Kelda gone, hell even her old friend Remmy gone... All the folks who could have stood a chance against these ... this... thing. Regardless the nightmares kept her awake that evening. Armorless, she headed out into the night, to visit a couple locales, to see what more she could find. She was not a local... so the ears she searched for were those she already knew...
First it was a trip to the Waggler store, to find Lori. Had she found her there, the discussion of the undead attack, and the three skeletal figures and the recollection of how the trio was told to spread the word of their return. Allie would make sure to explain that this was a second creature related to the Maggot ridden one from the caves, her, Ginny, and Jonan had adventured too. Had Lori not been there, Alistair would be sure to have passed the information, though Allie would have left a note to be deciphered by one smarter than she...

" Your desires Mean nothing" - The King
"Your fears mean nothing" - The Noble
Your lives mean nothing - The Begger
The second person she would seek, was her friend Sandry, she would explain the same as she did to Lori, seeking Sandry to communicate or perhaps glean knowledge of Skeleton figures who state they were one and now are three, from the congregation of the crying god. Allie was not well versed in God thumper traditions, so it only made sense to seek the knowledge from those who thumped hard enough to make undead wary...
Outside of these two, the last of those she would seek, though unsure if she would find would be the old Master dwarf... This was bad waggling, and she would seek to explain what happened, as well as see if her query about a blade may have an addition of something to assist keeping people... things.. out of her head... so many others had been in her head recently, how much more until it was not just a place for her thoughts.. but someone-thing elses..

After these discussions she would return... Not to sleep.. but to drink herself into a stupor, the alcohol protecting her head from any further invasions.. at least she hoped...

// sorry Forum RP is not something I am huge on doing lol so this is an attempt!

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Re: Out of our Feckin Eads!

Postby blatob » Mon May 07, 2018 10:15 am

After a night spent in dreaming of being nailed to the large tree, Jonan wakes up to find himself in the inn bed, by the sleeping girl. He managed to get up on wobbly legs, with arm hurting and covered in sores. Sniffs at the bottle by the bedstand. He manages to dress himself and drags down to the inn.

Ordering heap of eggs, bacon, cheese and bread, he goes up again to wait for the breakfast. Empties the bottle of the golden liquor. And waits.

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Re: Out of our Feckin Eads!

Postby blatob » Thu May 10, 2018 6:16 pm

During the next few days, Jonan informs both Peveril and Solomon about the things that happened.

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Re: Out of our Feckin Eads!

Postby Highlander » Fri May 11, 2018 9:46 am

After the encounter in the caves, Lori had travelled to Songhall to pass a few days in the libraries; the research for a change was not arcane, but historical. The creature's power was evident and significant, but what initially perplexed her was it's question to her about the occupier of the throne. At what point had it vanished from the world of the living so as not to know this, and why did it care? A thought formed in her head that while living, it had an eye on the throne for itself, and so she pursued what may seem to be an academic curiosity to some, but to her mind, one could never know too much about the desires or motives of those who may oppose you. Would the endless tomes of Songhall reveal some fallen house in the area they had been in, and from the years between the ruling dynasties of Impiltur whose desires had festered over the centuries, or would this part of the mystery remain hidden?

//(whether relevant or not, Lori rolled a 17 + 8 ranks for Knowledge:Nobility during her time in the library)
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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