Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

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Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Highlander » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:27 pm

The Flaming Brazier, Bezantur, Thay, Eleint 1363 DR

The man walked briskly down the endless, winding corridors of solid stone, passing seemingly endless blazing torches which both iilluminated the windowless passages, and made them almost stultifyingly hot. Vents carried the smoke upwards and out, to the almost equally hot late summer air of the largest port of the Red Wizards' realm. The man's pace hardly slowed when he came to those Lightless who tended the torches; these hopefuls of a place in the priesthood - he had been one himself, once - ducked out of his way swiftly, and with an equally swift bow, which was met only by the briefest cursory wave of the man's hand as he made his way down the passages to his destination. He could hear it some way before he saw it, a metallic clashing of weapons of shields, interspersed with grunts of effort. He did not come this way often, to the guards' training hall, as one of the three Fervid Fires of the temple, second only to the Devoted Blaze who ruled this corner of the Firelord's devotion, Halazur Svetam was not used to these far flung depths of the temple. He reflected perhaps he should pay more attention to them, as his desired ascention to Devoted Blaze would not come without effort and an outmanoevering of the other two Fervids, and any detail or nuance of the temple's politics could aid him in that. However, that was not today's task - or was it? He paused, finally reaching the entrance to the training hall, and watched the two sparring within. The man and woman lunged at each other with admitedly blunted swords, but each sported a few red weals where their opponent's weapon had made it through their defences. Both were swift, strong and competent, the man moreseo, but as Halazur watched, the woman held her own, and took the blows well enough, one strong one from the man landing her on her back, and as she got to her feet, met the eyes of the watching priest. She held her hand to her sparring partner, and pointed to the doorway. The other man nodded, and stood straight, letting her get to her feet unaided. Both were sweat drenched and breathing heavily, but as they covered the distance to the door, both had the recovery to be able to speak almost normally by the time they reached the priest.

"Fervid Flame"..a bow, from each, but it was the woman who spoke.."a rare honour to see you here."
"Yes, yes, Torch" a nod in return, a bit more than he had awarded to the torch tenders, but not by much. "I wish to speak with you. Captain Yenasz, you are dismissed". The sparring partner bowed, and gave the woman as quick a smile as he dared under the priest's gaze before leaving the training hall.

Halazur slowly paced around the training room, passing its array of weapon racks and battered dummies, the woman following behind him. After a few minutes that seemed to drag eternally for her, he spoke. "I am sure you wonder, Torch, of the Faith, why I am here. I shall be brief- I have a letter here, from your father." She started at that, and stopped the pacing, allowing him to press on a few paces. He sensed this, and stopped himself, turning to face her. "It is some while since youi have even heard of him, I imagine." He took a piece of parchment from his crimson and orange robes. The parchment had once been sealed, but had clearly been opened already - no secrets, in this place, for the low ranking. "It seems he wishes your company, at the Krathas manor. I suggest..."a heavy hint lay on that word.."that you go. We have heard murmerings that Samas Kul has some..concerns." He let that sink in a moment..the Master of the Guild of Foreign Trade was by rumour one of the wealthiest men in Thay, and perhaps the Realms, and not one whose "concerns" were easily ignored. "And I hear murmerings that the Devoted Blaze shares those concerns. Read the letter, and consider yourself willing to undertake the mission suggested by your father. I rather think..that this may suit you and your talents more than being a celebrant at weddings here. " A wry smile to Azruphel, and he handed over the letter, leaving her staring at it as he left her alone in the training hall.

//contributions from other PC's involved in this background welcome!
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Highlander » Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:04 am

Krathas Manor, near Bezantur, Eleint 1363DR

It was a hot and dusty ten miles along the coast of the Alamber Sea, a patchwork of fields and villas of varying sizes; the trees that once surrounded Bezantur having been hewn to ships long ago. The fields were dotted with labourers, toiling in the sun, and shouts and whipcracks drifted on the still, warm air to the road. For one who had scarcely been beyond the black walled confines of Bezantur, the road overlooking the coast could have seemed like some wild exotic promise of adventure and escape. But this was Thay, and this was a road, winding its way past miserably toiling slaves, to a functional destination. It was a fine enough destination, the grandest villa that Azruphel had seen along this well travelled road, its alabaster columns and walls ringed by terraces of colourful flowers and shrubs, all surrounding an azure blue bathing pool - a picture, if shown without context, that would have the Realms' bards waxing lyrical over its tranquil beauty and balmy warmth. The guards lounged in the shade, but snapped to attention quickly enough as she approached. Her introduction, and her loose orange and yellow flame patterned robe combined with the prominent necklace of Kossuth's flame symbol, allowed her swift passage, and without fuss she was escorted past those gleaming white columns to a table by the bathing pool. There were two men seated at the table - they could almost have been twins, aside from the twenty summer age gap, the younger shaved bald and in sea blue robes, the other bald by more natural progression, but whose scalp bore patterned tattoos and whose robes were a dark blood red. The younger regarded her with undisguised hostility, the older seemed rather more mellow, but his piercingly charismatic gaze and immediate air of authority rather detracted from that. It was the older that stood, and addressed her first.

"Welcome, Torch of the Faith" a brief incline of the bald, tattooed head. "This is an overdue encounter..please, sit"
"Thank you, m'lord...for your welcome" Azruphel looked around, trying to take in the almost alien surroundings, and she sat a bit uneasily in one of the poolside chairs, all the while under the unrelenting hostile glare of the younger man.

"It has been many years since I have seen you" the older man continued "you have not met your half brother, Naluzor...I have the pleasure of making the introduction now." A pause. Brother..so this is what you look like, I did wonder. The two siblings looked at each other, Azruphel managing to offer the younger man a hesitant smile and nod, unsure of how to greet someone whose existance she had only heard murmers of. There was no hesitation from Naluzor, however, as his hostile glare intensified and he sprang to his feet, turning to address Imrazor, his father. "My father, why have you brought her here? This...she remains a stain on your honour, on the memory of my mother, of the true blood of the realms..." He was cut off soon enough, any hint of geniality and mellowness vanishing from Imrazor in an instant. "Enough!. Be. Silent......You, have neglected your studies for too long today. Go, and catch up with them." A tense few seconds, which streched eternally, and the clench jawed irate Naluzor gave his assent through gritted teeth, and left the poolside.

Azruphel and her father sat in awkward silence, while the wine glasses were filled, and the slaves dismissed, leaving the two in solitude by the glittering azure pool. "I will not apologise for your brother, you are as he said. But...you are still my blood,and I have never forgotten that." Azruphel opened her mouth to speak, but she was silenced with a commanding wave. "You need to listen, now, girl. I have a document here, a legal matter, that adopts you as a full member of my family."

What...? After...twenty five years? What kept you?

He went on.."You will sign it, before you leave. You know I have looked after you. You and your mother...I was fond of her, if a red wizard can admit to such things. Your rooms, your food...your assignment to squire to the Knights of the Fire Drake when you were scrapping in the gutters like some drunken orc..."

Scrapping...nobody here likes a half Mulan...scrap or die

"I have invested a lot in your growth, girl..."

Bought and paid for, just like my mother...

"You surpised me, I admit...you learned your swordcraft, but then took the Oath of Firewalking...I was not displeased at this."

I did not think of your pleasure for one second....

"What your brother said was true...but for this family to have both a red wizard and a fervid flame...well, that would begin to restore, would it not? And you and your kind like..restoration. It is time that the two of you began to earn your places. There is a task that has come to my attention."

And if I refuse?

"And if I refuse?"

"Hmm...you walked past the shanty towns on your way here. Would you like to return there? The halls of the Brazier are haunted by those who burned up, waiting for some favour that never came. Choose your alternative, this is Thay, girl...it does not suit rebelliousness. You have your place, and you will work within that place."

A deep breath. "What task, my lord?"

"We have had rumours of an unleashed demon, across the Inner Sea, in Impiltur. It is not a land we have much presence in...but Samas Kul...worries that such a creature will be...bad for business across the whole Sea. You, and you brother, will go, and report to his master, and your fervid flame, of what has been happening there"

And you will see both reports, no doubt

"I shall release a slave to go with you, to carry equipment and otherwise offer protectiion. I am relying, however, girl, on your alleged skill to keep your brother alive. Do not...let me down. Go..gather your equipment from the temple, say your farewells to your...sparring partner, and be at the docks on the ebb tide tomorrow."

It does not suit rebelliousness

"Of course, my lord father...I shall be at the docks."
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Brindisium » Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:14 pm

Naluzor gets up, bows to his father, turns (ignoring Azruphel completely) and walks towards the elegant and comfortable wing of the atrium where he and his father have their personal rooms.

Servants scatter as he approaches, except for one Rashemi serving girl who is scurrying to fetch wine for the Master of the House and his "guest'. He grabs her by the wrist and spins her around. The cold fury on his face is frightening.

Bring me a bowl of hot water girl. Now.

Y-yes Master.

He takes a small vial from a locked cabinet, empties some roughly ground Mordayn [1] leaves into the hot water and waits. At exactly the right time he bends over the bowl and inhales the swirling, shimmering vapour rising from the tea.

Almost immediately, a rush of release washes over him and he sinks back into the fat silk cushions that litter his bed. The room is transformed into a paradise of bamboo forests cooled by crystalline streams, roaring waterfalls and breezy sanctuaries where mythical birds sweeten the air with song. His mother walks out from under the trees, her long straight, black hair framing her pretty face and hazel eyes.

Don't worry my darling. Soon you will have all the pleasure, power and respect you could ever want.

She soothes his brow.

And you will come and see me again soon, won't you. I miss you.

[1] http://www.realmshelps.net/stores/drugs.shtml
Last edited by Brindisium on Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby OldBear » Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:00 pm

Krathas Manor, near Bezantur, Eleint 1363DR

Word came from the Master of Slaves that the Great One of the house had a task for her. Long were the threats made as to how she would be skinned one inch at a time if she failed to please the two that were leaving the Great House for a new land. She was to serve them as they commanded. She was given a few moments to gather up her few belongings, mostly a set of clothing to wear when not in the used bit of armor Master of Slaves gave her to wear. Then a quick visit to the journeyman Wizard to renew the spells on her collar. Her pack was light, mostly cleaning items so she would not offend the noses of her new Master and Mistress. Then it was past the pit where a runaway slave hung in chains, near dead from the lashing he had received. It was a clear message as to her fate should she disappoint her owners. A quick shove to grovel on the steps as she awaited those that were about to depart this land. As she kneeled in the hot sun awaiting her fate, she could only wonder as to where they would travel to and what would await her.

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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby OldBear » Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:03 am

Little would she know that not long after her arrival in this new land, she would end up as food for a large spider deep within an unnamed cave. Hung up to soften, she died of lack of breath and poison coursing through her veins.

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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Highlander » Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:27 pm

Parchments, many scrunched up and tossed in the fire at the Legre Farmstead.

My dear Lord Father,
I regret to inform you

The hells I do

Lord Krathas,
It is with some difficulty that I write..

Oh, stop whining

My Lord Krathas,
I wish to inform you of some loss of your property



No, no, no. Dammit, dear brother can write this one.

Most Fervid Flame Svetam,

I wish to inform you of our arrival in Impiltur, with no incident that cannot be overcome with the Firelord's will. We are still looking for details, but the Abyssal presence that concerned the Guild appears to have been defeated. The land itself is damaged, and some parts abandoned by its people, and the long winter that it has had is now thawing. We grow our strength, and will continue to find out about the demon, even if the threat is gone. The Firelord's word can still spread, and the battered people of Impiltur are no doubt ready to hear His message.

In the light of the flames

Azruphel Krathas, Torch of Kossuth

That one, at least, was sent.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby OldBear » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:43 pm

A letter to the head of the house of Krathas Manor, near Bezantur, Eleint.

Dear Sir,

I received your missive and made haste to head to Sarshell in Impiltur. I have yet to see your son, but found the daughter, the Torch, you mentioned. She reported he was well but resting at the time. Based upon your instructions, I presented to her the parchment you sent with your seal upon it as my credentials. I merely informed her that I was going to be in the area on personal business and agreed to provide them support if they wish or needed. As you instructed, I did not mention that I would be sending regular reports about them to you. The frequency of these reports will depend, in part, if they do use my services or not. One would hope so, since from what you said, they are woefully unprepared to deal with traps, locks and other areas where I have some skill. On the other hand, I doubt they will need to capture any slaves while they are here, since slavery is supposedly out-lawed in this land. But I find it difficult to believe their tenant farmers, especially after the year long winter they reportedly suffered, are much more than slaves to the nobles who own the land.

I shall report more once I have met with your son.

Kor Drim
The writing is written in easy to read common with an elegant penmanship. Below the signature is the artistic drawing of a black Raven. The parchment is folded and sealed in wax from a signet ring using the device of a Raven.

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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Brindisium » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:33 pm

Lord Father,

We have reached Impiltur and are, for the time being, lodging in a village named Outentown, close to the outskirts of Sarshel. From here I have led a number of expeditions into the city and the neighbouring countryside seeking information regarding the creature of the Abyss that was of interest to you. This may already have been banished but I will, as instructed, continue to search for vestiges of its power.

My half-sister is capable but the half-orc was found wanting and died. It is no great loss to the expedition though we may need to replace its equipment. May I most humbly request a further investment of funds to do so - and to replenish my alchemical supplies.

Under the guise of a trade mission we continue to gather general intelligence. Rumours of a black market have reached my ears, which I intend to use to infiltrate the arcane community of Sarshel, such as it us.

The need for substances that can provide the population here an escape from physical pain and the harsh circumstances of their dreary everyday lives is enormous, and seems untapped!

The women of Impiltur are ugly and have big feet. Please I beg you, allow me to return to your side soon. Surely there is no need for me to remain in this country of uncivilised inbreds?

I remain your faithful son,
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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Highlander » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:43 am

It took a while, but Azruphel was eventually able to find a few buckets worth of coal in Outentown, and gathered them in one of the nearby caves, by the entrance. With some dried wood, she set a fire going, and tending it carefully, added the coals to the flames, watching as they caught the flames in turn and began to glow with an intense, radiant heat. Using the warhammer she carried, the glowing coals were spread out in a line along the cave floor; a line of red heat, a half dozen paces long. She took her place at the end of the line of coals, and with a solemn reverance, removed her boots, and with a continued murmering of prayer, slowly stepped onto the coals. They crunched under her bare foot, and while she could feel the warmth, they did not harm her. Another slow, deliberate step, the prayers continuing, and more steps until she completed the walk over the red hot line. The bottom of her robe smouldered from the heat, and her feet were dirty from the coal, but otherwise unharmed. A grateful, and exultant, sigh and a look to the cave roof..she dared then to award herself a triumphant smile.
Another test passed, Righteous Flame.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
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Re: Tales of House Krathas, of Bezantur

Postby Brindisium » Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:01 pm


I would let myself be consumed by maggots before mocking the family name by allowing you return and claim your inheritance unproven.

When the time is right you will be given a position fit for your talents so that you can serve your family and protect my legacy. Since you are intelligent and evidently full of lust, envy and low cunning I see no reason that should not be with the Red Wizards.

Learn to be worthy of those robes or do not come home.

Your Father
Cheese for your crackers here!

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