Tyria Nailuin

For character backgrounds and journals.
Posts: 27
Joined: Tue May 18, 2021 11:46 pm

Re: Tyria Nailuin

Postby Intyalle » Wed May 19, 2021 12:38 am

It appears the fall of the guard tower is more serious than first it appeared. Just beyond lay a fort filled with vicious Kenku.
My journey to Lavigeur and Vlasta was cut violently short by their presence. Fortunately, I managed to play dead until they left me alone to drag myself back to Outentown.
It appears Sarshel and I have not seen the backs of one another just yet.
I intend to try again to seek audience with the guard captain of the city. This is surely something about which they must be informed.

Posts: 27
Joined: Tue May 18, 2021 11:46 pm

Re: Tyria Nailuin

Postby Intyalle » Wed May 19, 2021 12:50 am

((#ic-rp log, for easy access))

Intyalle — 11/30/2020
Tyria approaches the guard outside the Sarshel Watch barracks, no longer wounded though her garb still bears the tale of her attack.
"Please. I must seek audience with your captain. I come bearing news of great import."
Meshin — 11/30/2020
The Blade standing guard outside of the barracks looks at her curiously eying her damaged clothing.
"Whats this news about? I'm not going to bother the Alorn if you're just here to report a mugging."
Intyalle — 11/30/2020
She bristles, drawing herself up to her full height - unfortunately still several inches below that of the guard. "Hardly. I would say demon summoners in the city and an abandoned guard tower on the road are both far more significant than a mugging."
Meshin — 11/30/2020
His gaze lingers for several moments more before he slowly nods. "You're serious? Very well." He opens the doors slightly and calls in. "Go and get the Sword on duty, I've got a lass here who needs to make a report. Claims to know about a demon summoner in the city, and something about an empty guard post. Lou will you escort her?" He turns back to her looking her over once again, before he swings the door wide and motions for her to pass within. Another guard stands there expectantly and as she enters he leads her to a nearby desk where she is offered a seat. The guard remains standing next to her keeping a close eye.

A few minutes pass before a short and thin man wearing well kept leathers emerges from a hallway and comes to sit across from her at the desk. The guard at her side speaks up. "Sir, this lass claims to have news of a demon summoner within the city and an empty guard post." The thin man nods and leans in elbows upon the table. "Greetings, I am Sword Adelbert Beumer. I'm the officer on duty today. Lets start with your name, and where you're from. Then you can tell me everything else you know."
Intyalle — 11/30/2020
Tyria swings her pack off her back and begins to rummage through it as she speaks. "I am Tyria Nailuin. I've recently arrived from out Rawlinswood way." Carefully, she sets books and papers on the table, along with a key atop one of the papers. "Honestly, I've found nothing but trouble since I got here, much of it deeply concerning. Those two are only the most serious." Taking a deep breath, she steels herself, pushing away anxiety and a lingering itch between her shoulderblades that insists the room's walls and occupants are both inching closer by the second.
Tyria carefully points to each item as she explains. "Firstly, I have taken careful account of all events since I arrived in here. I did not bring the summoner's writings out, but transcribed the only legible note I found. It suggests both possibly more summoners, and someone else who means the law in this city ill." She frowns slightly. "I am... still seeking more information, there. It also details a necromantic altar constructed in the cellar of a burned-out home barely outside the city limits, much overrun with zombies. The zombies were dealt with, but may yet be back unless the altar can be destroyed. I could lead guards back to both locations at need, I believe."
"This note and key indicate a smuggling ring, and this rough map the locations of their operation. Less serious, but I thought you would like to know where to find them."
"Finally," says, pointing to a final crumpled note, "This was all that remained of the papers of the captain of the guard tower between here and Laviguer. I met a scout between here and the tower who informed me that the roads ahead were patrolled, but the tower stood empty. All the signs I could find within suggested treason, and someone had gone to great length to remove anything informative or valuable from within. I was lucky to spot this scrap, fallen under a bed."
"It was not long past that tower that I ran right into a fort of Kenku within easy bowshot of the road, with no-one to warn of it. I can only imagine that the recent stop of patrols has emboldened them more than they might otherwise be, too."
Meshin — 11/30/2020
Sword Beumer leans back as the flood of information begins to pour from her lips, crossing his fingers the tips of his indexes twiddle back and forth unconsciously as he listens intently. When she finishes speaking, he leans over and slides the journal around to face him. He flips through several pages before sliding it toward the nearby guard. "Lou, make copies of everything relevant in there." The guard immediately pulls up a chair and taking a stack of nearby parchment begins to sort through the journal making a concise list of notes. Sword Beumer begins again at length...

"I see... you've been rather busy since you've entered our territories. Well... you did the right thing by bringing it to our attention. Now, you mentioned a demon summoner within the city. What else can you tell me about that matter?"
Intyalle — 11/30/2020
Tyria casts her eyes around for a stool or chair and drags one up near the desk, her awareness of the other guards slipping away as she falls into her scout training. Perching upon the seat, she closes her eyes and takes up a meditative stance, calling the details of the day to mind.
"I... must admit, I can't be certain the woman was summoning demons, as such. It was very obviously a summoning circle, however, and when one is drawn in the blood of several murdered people... it is never a good sign."
"It was one of the alleys off... the old city district, I believe. I spotted the traces of blood on the pavement and doorframe. When I tried the door, it wasn't locked, so I entered cautiously. Within, the blood turned from traces to trails - likely the rain the night before had washed away much that was outside the building. Mot led to a trapdoor leading down into the cellar... I checked upstairs first. Get as much of the lay of the land as I could before walking into the hairy stuff. There was a woman's body in an enormous pool of blood up there, and a locked door I couldn't get by. Little in the way of clues, though, and no-one alive. Looked to be a streetwalker, probably wouldn't be looked for in a hurry."
"I had barely entered the cellar when the would-be summoner threw herself at me. She was covered in filth and blood, and quite raving. I'm afraid her corpse now lingers down there too... along with the half dozen or so others already there. Most of the notes were soaked and illegible, but I found one I could read. Still too soaked to take with me, so I transcribed it into my journal."
"It indicated that the woman's name was Amelia, and that she had some connection with this 'W' who wrote the note... they were scolding her for dabbling in foul magicks. They mentioned a man she was supposed to be working for, something to do with cured meats. I... forget the man's name, but it's in the book. They also tied the fell magicks to a group that had 'provided interesting components', but whose goals did not align with those of this W, who said Amelia should stop associating with them. W did not seem... averse to what Amelia was doing, except in its timing being poor, from what I could gather."
Meshin — 11/30/2020
He breathed a sigh of relief at that. "So there were not any demons... summoned or otherwise present? Good, I should've expected not... else you likely wouldn't be here. I'll have some of my men perform a sweep of the alleys. I don't think it will be too difficult for them to find some dead bodies given what you've told us." Leaning forward once more, his palms now flat on the desk he continues. "Your other discoveries are to be commended if they're true. The smugglers have been a constant thorn in our side and this map will prove useful in countering their operations. As for the altar, zombies, and missing squad... I'll look into those matters personally." His gaze settles on Tyria for a long moment before he adds. "I may have use for someone like you in the future. Where can I find you if I've need of further questioning or services?"
Intyalle — 11/30/2020
Tyria opens her eyes once more at the cue that no more questions are going to be asked of her experiences. At the last, though, she looks more than a little chagrined. "Here in Sarshel, apparently. I... do not like these stone mazes, but I seem to be cursed to forever return to this place, at least at present. Every direction in which I set out, the path turns under my feet to lead me here. I may be no holy woman, captain, but I believe that eventually, even I can take a hint."
Meshin — 11/30/2020
"Hmm. Might I suggest Saylidi's or the Sailor's Star perhaps? Both are fairly inexpensive inns and have nice rooms. Though Sayildi's caters to more foreign guests..." He lets the words linger a moment "I'll find you if we need anything else regardless. I have no reason to believe you to be dishonest as of yet. Lou, when you're finished give her back her journal and things then escort her out. Safe travels Tyria Nailuin of Rawlinswood. Blessings of The Triad upon you."
Sword Beumer rises pushing himself up from the desk, offers a curt nod and makes his way back down the hallway from whence he came. The guard Lou takes a few more minutes to check he has copied the relevant information, makes a hasty drawing of the map, and examines the key which he holds for a long moment glancing between Tyria and the hallway before eventually setting it on top of the materials which he then pushes back to Tyria. "Alright lets get you out of here." Tyria is then escorted back outside to the square.

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