Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:23 am

Day 17 - The Evening Duel

As the chill of night descended over Outentown, it finally roused me from the bench and I went inside. A number of other folks had entered well before me, so there was some bustle going on already when I stepped through the door.
While pondering over what I could order and still save on some coins, did the loud voices from a table across the common room catch my attention. There was a lot of name calling and shaking of fists going on over there, and my Lady Kelda was there too. Searching for my Lady in Red came up emtpy.
But my Lady Kallian was there, and I'd not seen her for many days. It also looked like she was the one being yelled at by a very large hulking fellow with a large weapon. Yes, yes! That's the fellow who let the little girl touch the blade earlier in the day, and he was hearing it just as well from my Lady Kallian.
With a tilted head, I listened from the bar to catch a few words about a theft, a blade, and threats, to others like Timothy Skyraven doing what they could to diffuse the situation. But when that towering fellow dared to make a threat against my Lady Kelda, I had to step in. No one talked to her that way! No one!
I pushed myself off the bar and strutted on over.

"HEY!" My voice was solid, and I wore my best scowl keeping my eyes locked on the man. He seemed to grow in size and in height as I got closer.

"You will not touch my Lady!" Firm. That's how you dealt with people like this. I stopped right before him, and had to gaze up at the man. How could anyone be this big? And that's not just a single blade on his weapon, there were two! His cloak also did a good job at hiding massive arms of muscle, and ... plate-mail armor! "...Not with your h-hand ... or uh ... your o-other hand!" So much for being firm.

"Master Noal, please, let us handle this," Kelda turned to say to me in an ever-so gentle voice.
The towering man looked down at me, his face wearing a look that told me he ate boulders for breakfast. "Back off you weakling! Do not get involved or I will take you down!"

My eyes darted away from his own and fell on one of those sharp edges of his weapon. Shifting uneasily toward my Lady Kelda, I found a nice spot behind her and off to the side. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't come to look at the towering man.

"Give me my blade, now!" the towering man said to my Lady Kallian.

"Why should I return something when you assume the worst of me, Master Gareth?" my Lady Kallian responded calmly. My cheeks started to burn when I realized her bellybutton was showing.
"What is going on here?" a solid voice asked over everyone else. Johann, the owner of the establishment had arrived. He'd put a stop to this, and I nodded quickly to him to show my support.

"This man is threatening your patrons with violence," Kelda added toward Johann, gesturing to the towering man.

"There will be no fighting inside my tavern!" the owner said loudly, but not to anyone in particular. Everyone heard that, and I nodded again so he knew I had his back. "You got trouble with each other, take it outside."
"Y-yes my L-Lady Kelda, let u-us go o-outside," I added, motioning toward Johann. Plus, it would be safer for her to be as far away from this as possible.

"Because you're a thief!" the towering man barked back toward my Lady Kallian, well over the voice of the barkeep.

My Lady Kallian just giggled at those words, and the man looked as if he was about to explode. "You were knocked out."

I blinked. Someone actually knocked this towering beast off its feet?

"Right that's it, out! OUT! OUT!" The barkeep wasn't having anymore of this, and I mumbled under my breath as I realized I had to now ask my Lady Kelda to stay inside instead of going outside! Oh, what a mess!

"Back off! Leave us to our affair!" the towering man barked down at the barkeep.
"... my L-Lady!" I called bumping into a table and some chairs as I chased after her. She was almost to the door!

"Huh? What?" She stopped short of exiting the tavern. Thank goodness!

"N-not with t-them!" I gestured to those who had left already. "Uh ... let's s-stay inside t-then."

"My healing might be required, Master Noal," she added in a grim tone before heading outside.

With a groan, I followed, hugging the fence and staying well away from the growing tension between everyone, although I did keep a sharp eye on my Lady Kelda.
"We have a legal system. If you want to accuse her, Master Gareth, use it." My Lady Kelda was doing her best to diffuse the situation herself and Timothy agreed.

"Try a few manners too," my Lady Kallian tossed out toward the towering man Gareth.

"Give me my blade or I will force it from you," Gareth said all too calmly back to Kallian.

This wasn't going to end well, and it seemed Timothy thought the same, for he stepped between them then, planting his shield in the ground by his feet. He stood behind it, facing Gareth.
"If you want it back, you'll be polite about it, and give your word that you'll never call me a whore again." Wha-? He called my Lady Kallian that?! No one talked like that to my Lady Kallian! No one!

I took a step forward, then glanced at this Gareth fellow, before returning to the comfort and safety of the fence. His shoulders were massive, almost hiding Timothy completely from view!

"Out of my way Ilmaterite, you have no business in this affair," Gareth boomed at Timothy, who simply did not budge from his position before the towering man.
"Listen, fighting isn't the answer. You injure her, or kill her, you lose your chance at recovering your heirloom," Timothy added to Gareth. So that's what this is about. My Lady Kallian got her hands on Gareth's heirloom, some sort of blade, and she was refusing to return it until he could apologize for the way he spoke to her. I chuckled to myself. That woman deserves a flower.

"Then make her give me the blade."

"Please, kill your pride so no one gets hurt. He is clearly being unreasonable, that doesn't mean you have to be unreasonable as well." Kelda pleaded with Kallian, in which she responded to.

"How is this unreasonable? He walks into the establishment and called me a whore and thief." My knuckles cracked as I made fists at hearing those words.
"If you give him the blade, no one will get hurt. Lives are more important than your pride," Kelda added back to Kallian.

"You want me to bend a knee after being accused like this?"

"Because you took it without permission! That is a blasted thief!" Gareth yelled at Kallian, growing with rage.

Inch by inch, I made my way from the fence toward the brick arch and poked my head around it. This wasn't going to end well, I could feel it. Timothy was going to get bowled over - well, whatever - it was my Lady Kallian I worried for, and my Lady Kelda too!

"I took it, and I said I did. But how does that make me a thief? Do not come crying to me then if it gets truly stolen!" Kallian snapped back.
Gareth seemed to be a growing cauldron of anger, and the attempts by the others to calm him, was wearing down.

"Kallian. If you do not plan on giving him the item then duel for it already," someone chimed in.

That's when I started to wave frantically to get my Lady Kelda's attention. With Timothy still before my Lady Kallian, she had some protection but my Lady Kelda didn't. I was relieved to see her come on over.
"Yes?" she asked quickly.

"S-stay h-here my L-Lady Kelda, it's s-safer."

"I appreciate your concern, Master Noal, but--" and then she sighed. Perhaps it was the look of worry on my face, or the masculine scar I had attained, but she cut herself short and stood with me. My fingers twitched to reach out and hold her hand.
The others continued to diffuse the situation, a fellow I had never met spoke to them both.

"Apologize first and show you are a man of honor and the bigger one. Let others decide what they think of her after that," he said to Gareth.

"And you have no guarantee that she has my blade on her or nearby. I want to see my blade first before I do any such acts. If this is a deal then let her prove that she can provide her end of the bargain."

My Lady Kallian responded in kind to that. "If you are prepared to be a man of honor, then I will meet this bargain so you will know I am not the lowly scum you accused me to be."

"Then produce my blade." The towering man boomed his voice as thunder would before the storm.

"Wait here then," Kallian murmured and spun on her heels to retrieve the blade.

"No." Gareth would have nothing of it, and followed her.
As the group broke off to follow both Kallian and Gareth, as did my Lady Kelda, peeling herself away from my side. As she headed in the general direction, she looked over her shoulder.

"I'm, uh, glad we could come to an understanding. By the way."

The sound of commotion came from ahead, and someone mentioned Gareth was lunging for Kallian's throat!

"I wouldn't stand too close! That's four heads in one swing!" someone shouted!
As the group vanished up the road, I opted to stay right where I was. That Gareth fellow might see me and decide to charge for whatever his reasons, and although everyone there was doing what they could to protect my Lady Kallian, they might not give me the same protection.

So much excitement and worry made my stomach grumble, so I took a seat on the bench and bit into an apple.
About halfway into my snack, I caught that quiet fellow leaning against the tree. How I didn't see him before baffled me, and I glanced at him quickly, before my focus shifted back on the apple.

When done, I balanced the apple core on the nearby fence post, and it wasn't long until the fellow came on over to ask me if he could have it. Shrugging yet again with a nod, he took the apple core and returned to his place under the tree.
As I sat focusing on the wall again I could hear faint shouts in the distance and hoped that everything was fine. Although I worried a lot about my friends, I had to start looking after myself and find a way to fill my pouch with coins until I could get back on my feet.

Covering a yawn with a hand, I made my way to the Ilmater shelter. A donation would be cheaper than a room at the Legre Farm or in Sarshel.
Sweet dreams Noal, don't let the bellybutton's bite.

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:25 am

Day 18 - A morning check-up
I rolled along the floor as I spread out my arms, not bothering to cover a long yawn. It wasn't a bed, but it was a roof over my head, and at a cost I was able to afford for now. There was little for me to do at all, and after putting a coin into the donation box, I headed back to the bench I'd become so familiar with to get warmed by the rising sun. A few local adventurers were lingering in the market, and I watched them from the bench.
That fellow with the large double blade, who had threatened my Lady Kelda was there, along with my Lady Kelda's brother Edvard, and a halfling? Or was it a gnome? Why were they so difficult to tell apart anyways?
As I glanced their way, straining an ear to listen and hearing nothing but a breeze, did my Lady Kelda approach from down the road. She wore a robe with red trim today, and it accented the blonde curls of her hair which bounced playfully as she drew near.
" is your wound coming along?" she asked. The morning sun glanced across her plain features and she glowed with a radiance that caught my full attention.


"Your wound. Has it gotten infected? There would be puss and oozing starting if it was. Does it smell odd?"

"Oh? Uh, good morning my Lady Kelda," I added in greeting. "Uh. I ... don't think so?"

I touched the wound she had healed a day before, running my finger up and down my left cheek, then gave my finger a good smell. I certainly couldn't tell, and was far from the expert my Lady Kelda is. So, I held the finger out for her to smell.

She leaned over somewhat, trying to eye my left cheek for signs of any infection, nodding to herself. She glanced at the finger. "Uh...I'll take your word for it. It looks fine."

"How can you see it from there? Come here." I dusted and patted the empty bench next to me. The rising sun made her glow. She took my breath away, more than my Lady in Red ever did.
"I was trying to tell you, Master Noal that--Uh..."

"If you're going to inpsect my wound and make sure it's not infected, then do it proper."

"I was trying to tell you, Master Noal, that I am glad we came to an understanding." A what? There it was again. She had said something similar the day before. What was she going on about now?

I shifted off my hat so she could get a much closer examination. "Is it ... infected?" My voice trembled.

"You could probably do a better job of cleaning it, but it doesn't look infected yet." What a relief!

"That is ... good," I offered with a nod, then rubbed her hand. "I never uh ... did get a chance to thank-you, my Lady Kelda." She pulled away quickly, looking alarmed herself.

"Wha-? Why are you jumpy all of a sudden?" I asked, slipping the hat back on my head.

"Master Noal, I do not mean to offend, but we came to an understanding. It is not polite to touch people's hands." Her voice had a hint of frustration to it, and she shifted to place her hands into the pockets of her robe. "We reached an understanding, did we not?" She frowned at me. Frowned!

"I wanted to say I slept at the shelter this past evening, and gave a small donation ... for your caring touch in healing this wound. I was so terrified, and you gave a sense of calm to me. Wha-? What are you going on about? What understanding?"

"Your donation is dearly appreciated, but I was only doing my job. I'm sure you need the coin more than we do." She frowned and shaked her head. "The flower, Master Noal? The -yellow- one?"

I needed the coin. Is that how my Lady Kelda looked at me? I wasn't flashy and sharply dressed like she was, with her number of robes and fine red trim! That robe she showed off all the time wasn't cheap I gather!

"Oh. Because I've been kicked out of Songhall? Because I have no skills to make coin, so I should hold onto it? Is that what you mean? And what -yellow- flower? Remember, you didn't want it when I offered it to you." The bench wobbled slightly as I shifted to give her a full on glance. A stray curl caught my eye and I bit my lower lip.

"I just meant, that the church already has so much coin in the country," she added quickly. "The one you gave when I was seated with Sir Hawklin, the other day."
Clomping boots approached then, breaking our conversation into a break as Edvard, my Lady Kelda's brother, approached. His cloak swayed down his frame, and he wore no shirt. He stood before us and staggered some, twirling a horned helm by its horn. "'is feller botherin' yer, Kelda!?"

"-No-, Edvard, but -thank-you-." She closed her eyes in frustration at her brother. "I promise, brother, I am fine."

I snorted then as my Lady Kelda's words floated through my mind. "I didn't give you a -yellow- flower, my Lady Kelda! I placed flowers on every table, including the one all of you were sitting at." I leaned forward then, drawing even closer to those bouncing curls. "Gosh. You don't think that Christophe fellow thinks that -yellow- flower was for him too, do you?"

My Lady Kelda blinked and her features became very awkward. "No, Sir Hawklin explained that -yellow- flowers are given to announce that they are no longer going to pursue the recipient. I--" My plan had worked, although I was still puzzled as to why she thought a yellow flower meant some sort of understanding. I'd have to look into that. I cut her off quickly though as her brother continued to stand before us.

"Uh. Where is your shirt, my good man?" What's a fellow doing without a shirt? It was quite puzzling, and worth asking about.
"Oi tore it up fer bandages. Last man who sat that close ter my sister lost a lot er blood."

"Oh? Well, you need not worry. I've already bled plenty for my Lady Kelda, and she even healed it too! I was just saying to your sister here of the donation I gave in her name to the shelter. She is really something. You're a good fellow to be so watchful of this beauty. As her brother, I'd expect nothing less of you."
"For goodness sakes, I'm right here!" Kelda blurted out.

Her brother stood here as a rumble above rippled through the clouds, and then the soft patter of rain began to fall over Outentown.

"'Ats wot I try to tell 'er, but she doesn't listen ter me. Ye know 'ow many lads oi've 'ad ter break bones wiffout 'er knowin'?" Kelda's brother shifted, plopping the horned helped upon his face as she took a protective stance over his sister. Kelda simply stood, not looking very happy toward Edvard.

"Uh ... my Lady?" I shifted on the bench, leaning forward in an attempt to grab her attention, she she continued to walk off.
At some point during our conversating, the Halfing, or was it a Gnome, along with that giant beast of a fellow, sat by the wall I had been staring at the past few days. The tower man's voice bellowed loudly. "Good job you two. This rate, she might just stop being uncomfortable all the time and be angry!" He laughed at the thought of that.

"She's prettier when angry, letting all that emotion out," the Halfling or Gnome added. Why was it so hard for me to tell the difference?!

"So, yer think yer got feelin's fer my sister?"

"Hrm? Oh? My Lady Iris? Hardly know her," was my response.

"Bah! Kelda! Iris'd cut yer eyes out fer tryin'," her brother added.

"Uh Well, my Lady Kelda is kind, thoughtful, gentle and caring. What's not to like about that?" I nodded multiple times as I did my best to showcase my Lady Kelda. She'd enjoy hearing it, I'm sure!
"Roight, she is all that. That's why I'll cut ther 'and off of any man who touches 'er, the tongue out o' any man who courts 'er, and the prick off any feller who so much as looks 'at er founny." This guy wasn't messing around.

"And as you should," I added, patting the good fellow a number of times on a shoulder. "I'll keep a sharp eye out as well and let you know if I see the same."

"Roight, ye do that. Just yet be remember I be watchin' the eyes 'at watch most of all!" I think he meant he would be watching me, watching my Lady Kelda. But who was watching him?

"So I take it then, my Lady Iris watches you, if you're watching my Lady Kelda?"
"Iris wotches 'er books, an Oi wotch 'er too when she's around. She's not as ... trustin' of everyone as Kelda is, good thin' too. Oi try ter tell Kelda, 'Ye can't trust noone but your blood 'an wot yet bleed others wif', but she doesn't listen."

"That's a wonderful qualtiy that my Lady Kelda has. She isn't quick to judge and is always willing to help. It may get her into trouble now and again, but otherwise, she's got a good heart to lead with." Her brother was very protective, and I did my best to make sure he understood that I was as well.

"You know Edvard," I began as I tapped my chin, "I think that Christope fellow is getting a little too close for comfort to my Lady Kelda."
"Chris? Bah! They spend 'ours together talkin' religion 'an morals. Too busy bein' borin' ter be interested in anythin' else."

"Mhm, I'm sure, but a good way to keep you out of his personal interests with my Lady Kelda, wouldn't you say? Perhaps he knows religion bores you, and that it keeps your eyes from watching him around your sister." If Edvard was going to be watching anything, I certainly wanted him keeping an eye on that Christophe fellow.

"Thot ... thot's right! She's noone but Iris' 'an mines!" Edvard looked a little confused, but perhaps it was just all the drinking he'd done. I pressed forward.

"You said Christophe speaks religion to my Lady Kelda, and it bores you so you don't think anything of it. But I think Christophe is doing it on purpose, so you aren't keeping an eye on him as he hits on your sister!"
"... 'ats it!" Edvard bellows, shifting past the bench to stand before everyone gathered. "Oi'm goin' ter buy 'er a suit of armor, 'AN STICK 'ER IN IT!" His voice carried loud and far. "Wot way did she go?" he asked me in a much quieter voice.

"Uh. I ... maybe the shelter?"

"She doesn't drink. Shelter or farm ... the farmer's probably 'ittin' on 'er too!" Edvard added as she swayed before me. My mouth hung open at what I'd done. "An that funny priest feller! Oi shook 'at one toim! AAAARGH!" A few of Edvards veins started to throb.

"KELDA!" he suddenly shouted, rage filling his voice as he darted off in the rain.
"Good tactics, though," said the Halfling, or the Gnome. By this time, I'd had given up long ago.

"Uh." What on earth did he mean by that?

"Diverting Edvard while you close in on his sister. I raise you my helmet. Don't worry, he'll warm up to you ... maybe?" the short fellow added. We both followed Edvard, well I did, for a short time. I certainly didn't want to face my Lady Kelda as she heard all of this.
As the fellow stepped into the Legre Farm, I gave those two bratty kids a glare of my own, before ducking on out and returning to the tavern. Running into my Lady Kelda as she encountered her brother Edvard wouldn't do me much good in the end.
The tavern was quiet for now. I used that opportunity to order a warm meal and a cold drink.

Afternoon approaches...

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:26 am

Day 18 - An Afternoon Romp!

During the course of my meal, the common room started to get busy as others came to lounge on chairs, benches and stools. The sweet smell of a recently picked flower held my attention until the floor creeked and a gentleman I'd never seen before approached the table.
"What is your name sir?"

"Uh." I glanced up from smelling the rose and looked over a shoulder. The tavern was filling up! "... oh." Was this guy talking to me, or that larger fellow with the eye patch?

"Oh...that is a funny name," he replied.

"Wha-? Uh. I thought you were talking to the big fellow. I'm Noal Dagar."

"What sort of skill set do you have?"

My shoulders offered him a weak shrug. Me? Mr. Useless? "Can't fight well, no training in weapons."

"Well that's not all I need. Can you negotiate?"

"Nope. I was studying in Songhall once ..." but my words trailed off as the man shifted his gaze over the common room.
"Is that all that is here?" he asked to himself, although all gathered heard him well enough. "Gather 'round and grab a seat if you would."

As I shifted around in my chair and tucked the flower away, I spotted my Lady Kelda and her brother Edvard, Bors, even my Lady Kallian, along with many others I did not recognize. I had no clue what was going on, and getting up to leave my table would be rude, so I sat there to listen to what all of this was about.

"Alright ... some of you may already know me ... I am Zalton Eskbar ... I work for Lord Sizar Kaldun. We have a bit of a precarious situation that needs handled carefully. Do we have any diplomatic sorts in here?"
Zalton Eskbar looked slowly across the common room at all of those gathered, waiting for a finger twitch or a hand to raise at his query, and he grated his teeth before letting out a sigh. "Fine ... There is a particular merchant in the area who has had a great misfortune fall upon him. This merchant's wife and daughter were both kidnapped less than a night ago. He came to my employer seeking aid ... sadly we have no free men and must call on who we can." He gave a long gesture to those gathered in the common room. "My task I offer you is rather simple ... return the mother and daughter."

There was a sudden ripple of questions from a number of those gathered all directed toward Zalton, and he did quite well in answering each one in turn.

"And the reward?" that beast of a towering man with his double blade resting off a shoulder rumbled.

"Do ye know whoi they were taken, 'an by who? Or can we tolk to ther' merchant 'imself fer that?" Edvard slurred.

"Was there any demands from the kidnapper?" called another.

Zalton nodded slowly before speaking. "If you can do this ... I will give you 150 copper each. If you fail to do this and only bring back one ... I can only give you 100 copper each. If you fail to bring back either but manage to figure out who did this, I can offer you 100 copper. Anything less and you get nothing. The demands from the kidnapper was a ransom of 2 Balons, which is a large sum."
Quite puzzling, the reward. I scratched my head and pondered his words. Return both alive and receive 150 copper, bring only one back and receive 100 copper. The chair creeked as I leaned back to get a better look at the fellow addressing the common room.

"Uh. Which one is only worth 50 copper then, if only one returns?" Did Zalton value the mother or the daughter more?

"They are equally valuable," Zalton responded.

I shrugged. "Figure it would be two hundred for both, at least." Why wouldn't it be, if they are both equally valuable, so why make returning one less than returning two.

As Zalton spoke, everyone gathered learned the mother and daughter were being held near the Outentown Orchard, and that Bors would be leading the negotiations. A number there seemed shocked to hear it, but Bors stood tall when he learned he would be the one in charge. With my Lady Kelda going along, I knew I would have to go as well to keep her safe.

My Lady Kelda stood from her chair about the same moment I stood from mine, both heading toward the back room to gear up for the journey ahead.
"I need to get changed. I'll be right back," she said heading for the door.

"Me too," I added also approaching the door.

It was difficult to keep the smile down, or even a playful wink as my words stopped my Lady Kelda in her tracks. She blinked at the door, and then blinked again at me. I stood there, blinking happily in return.

"You can go first," she finally added, brushing down her robe with slender fingers.

On my way out, we brushed past one another and it was then I took the opportunity to shoot her a wink as I struggled with a final buckle and leather strap. Maybe next time I'll call her over for some help!
From the corner of my eye, I could see Edvard mouthing Zalton's name to himself over and over again, just as Zalton made the announcement that the ransom was to happen in ten minutes! That didn't give us a lot of time to get into position. Thankfully, the Outentown Orchard was nearby. The slender figure of my Lady Kallian lured my gaze from Edvard. Her elbows were leaning against the bar, her athletic legs crossed at the ankle made her pants hug that elven frame. I couldn't stop myself from smiling warmly.

"My Lady Kallian, good to see you again."

She offered a smile back in return and I swallowed the lump growing in my throat. What an exotic sight, but our own smiles soon slipped from our faces as the group began moving out. Business was at hand, and my Lady Kallian shifted into gear the moment her boots started walking. I'd have to catch up with her another time.
Outside the beautiful afternoon had turned cloudy while I sat inside, and a straight downpour had soaked the land well enough, and was still falling heavily. With Bors in the lead, he took a longer route, in an attempt to keep such numbers hidden and to prepare before moving into the orchard.
As the group came toward a flowering clearing, I recognized its location as a way to the spider den I had helped clean out weeks before. Flowers! Right! I'd have to get a fresh one now for my Lady Kallian, and if there was a moment, I could tuck it into her hair, if she'd allow it. A cracked and loud voice broke through the patter of rain then.

"Who the hell are you?"

I spotted what must have been one of the men for the ransom, and here we were, such a large armed group in such a vast open space. Some members of the group had already made their way into bushes, not bothering to stop to pick flowers like I had. No way would I be responsible for ruining this, and I dove into the wild flowers and flattened myself as well as I could while Bors parlayed with the fellow.
"We've come to ask for proof that the women are alive! Otherwise, no payment!" someone said. I tried to shift to see, but all I could do was listen.

"The blasts you have ... you came to pay for them!"

There was rustling up ahead, and murmurs too as the fellow who came for the ransom made his demands very clear. Bors would need to pick two others to go with the fellow, so they could examine the mother and daughter before any coins would be exchanged. Thankfully, I was hidden quite well, so Bors didn't even notice me and instead picked my Lady Kelda and a fellow named Tamlin. I fought the urge to beg Bors to allow me to come too, so I could keep my Lady Kelda safe, but I bit my tongue. Bors would take care of her just as well as I would.
"You'd better not be up to something. Let's go quickly," the fellow who had come for the ransom coins said to Bors.

I poked my head out of my excellent hiding spot, and watched my Lady Kelda, Bors and Tamlin head off as they followed the fellow. Looking about, there were still a handful of folks around, including that very big towering fellow, Edvard and the gnome Orryn whom joined us in the spider den some time back. It wasn't until I was waved over that I joined them, cautiously staying away from the hulk of a man Gareth.
While standing about talking on how to handle the situation if muscle was required, another member of the party that I did not know, returned from scouting the Outentown Orchard.

"Don't know if we should attack straight away, but we could always wait on the other side of the farm, to cut off their likely escape route."

"We can stand further at the back, ready to be waved in," Orryn added.

So off we went to find some bushes and trees to hide in while we watched the farm that my Lady Kelda, Bors and Tamlin were taken to. With my past experience hiding in bushes at the bandit camp, and in the flowers, this would be nothing for me.
The scout that alerted us to the farm location, then headed back out to keep an eye on the situation while we all remained hidden in the bushes near a bundle of trees.

"Are we hiding...?" a woman's soft voice whispered from one of the bushes not too far off.

"Oi think so," Edvard rumbled.

"Waiting," responded that hulk Gareth.

"Sshh... yes" came a sharp reply from another bush.

What a rush this was! The excitement of breaking through to save my Lady Kelda if need be took me back to those bandits we had hunted before. "You know, the last time I was in the bushes was with my Lady Kelda. We were watching some bandits off the road to Songhall."
"Where are the bloody scouts already?" Edvard rumbled from his hiding spot.

My voice offered a comforting whisper to take Edvard's mind off the situations. "...hey ... any of you want an apple?"

"Oh.. Sure. I.. I like apples," came a soft female voice. I tossed an apple toward the sound.

Edvard would have nothing of it. "Never kill on a full belly."

"Will you all shut the blasts up?" Gareth grumbled between clenched teeth. I guess he didn't want an apple either!

"sshh! they'll hear you!" I whispered back toward Gareth's bush. Just what we need, this guy ruining our hiding spot because he can't keep his voice down.

Only the scouts voice made a sound near our location, I never even heard them approaching. "Anyone close to Kelda, we need some to stay watching the house, but two or three able bodied men with me."

"Finally, let's kill these bitches," the hulking Gareth added, then looked down into the bushes, "Edvard, Noal, stay here."

"My Lady K-Kelda n-needs me!" I added, rustling out of my hiding spot to follow them. "Edvard, stay here."
Just as I shot up, did Bors come into view with Tamlin a few steps behind.

"psst. bors. bors! something is g-going on with my L-Lady K-Kelda," I whispered back, starting to move and follow the scout that warned us in the first place. I'm coming my Lady Kelda. Just you hang on my sweet apple!

Suddenly voices caught my attention and I turned near a large rock when blades were drawn and curses spat. A large gathering of men had followed Bors and Tamlin, pinning everyone against trees and from escape! I poked my head from around the rock to count their numbers, but I couldn't see all of them.

"What have we hear? GRAB 'EM BOYS!"

"Blasts it, kill 'em!" I heard Bors shout.
My eyes grew wide at the scene unfolding before me, as blades came out from the bushes and blades went into the bushes! Shields rattled and swords clashed. What could I do? There must be something! A snarling looking fellow darted my way, his blade held high when he caught me standing there, and I froze!

"N-no! N-not the f-face! N-not the f-face!"

Darkness engulfed me as my head slammed up against a nearby tree.
I'm not sure where I was then. The sound of footsteps in the distance, followed by a chirping bird, the ripple of nearby pond. It was peaceful. So this was death. My Lady Kelda would weep for weeks, and I sighed deeply at the thought of those blue eyes glistening, her lower lip quivering, holding my cold body in her arms rocking gently in sorrow.

"I just saw his chest move. He's barely breathing, but he's alive!"

What was Bors doing here! Did he die too? In an attempt to look around in the surrounding darkness, I felt my head start to spin, then coughing fits took me as liquid was poured down my throat. I gasped loudly as my skin tingled and became chilled from the healing power of a potion, and my eyes squinted at the bright light from the sky. Gingerly, I removed my hat only to stagger at the sight of all the blood on its brim. I opted to sit, while the others headed off to a building where my Lady Kelda still was.
The fellow Tamlin remained behind to keep an eye on me while my senses recovered. I had such a splitting headache too.

"You look like a grim wanderer. Val-deri valder-don't. But I have the goodtouch and I will have you singing like the lark. Will you take the blessing the gods granted me, fellow?"

"S-singing ... uh ...Uh. W-what are y-you going t-to do with this g-granted blessing?" I asked then while feeling the back of my head. My fingers felt sticky and wet.

"The goodtouch? Well, -good- I suppose."

"Uh. O-okay, if i-it makes me f-feel better."

Tamlin then took both hands and pressed them against my head. The surge that flowed through Tamlin's fingers into me, felt very similar to my Lady Kelda's touch when my left cheek was sliced open. A useful blessing to have.
Now back on my feet again, and feeling quite refreshed from Tamlin's blessing, did we make our way to the building that everyone else had darted toward that my Lady Kelda was at. It was there we met up with another from the group as she climbed out of a nearby window.
"W-where is e-everyone?" I asked the woman wearing the most unusual helmet I'd ever seen!

"Inisde. Some... with the child, and Loud Skull, and Kali."

"W-where is m-my Lady K-Kelda? Is ... is s-she alright?" She had to be! I couldn't bear the loss.

"Oh.. they left earlier, ser..."
Her footsteps came running up toward us, her hands and face covered in blood, but she frowned when our eyes met.

"Orryn, you said he was injured."

"As I said, he was knocked out pretty bad, but Bors tended to him," Orryn offered.

"M-my L-Lady!" Oh thank goodness she was alright! I darted over to her, wincing slightly from the bump on the back of my head.

"Uh, hello." Kelda back off slightly.

"Y-your o ... you're h-hurt!" I gasped, my lower lip quivering.

"I am fine now ... where is my brother?" she added looking around.

"A-are you s-sure?" I had to make sure myself, and my eyes examined her from top to bottom!
A screaming and crying child, obviously the daughter and one we had come to save, was being held closely by my Lady Kallian. The young sobbing girl turned my attention toward her, but she looked perfectly fine from the ordeal. Quite the scare for her though, but my Lady Kallian soothed her as we returned back to Outentown. Tamlin was humming next to me as I walked, and that brought up my spirits considerably.
On returning to town, I felt a welt growing in my throat and my stomach didn't feel as it should.

"Uh. I've got to use the outhouse."

Tamlin seemed to understand, and even offered to play and sing outside the door, to mask the sounds I'd be making once I got inside. The rotten smell of the outhouse helped move everything along quickly, and soon I had my head stuck in the hole as I emptied out the meal I had earlier in the day. His voice danced through the thin wooden boards of the outhouse.

"When you're sitting in a chair, and you feel something tear..."
Tamlin was well into his third song by the time I had cleaned myself up and exited the outhouse and good timing too, for my Lady Kelda came out of the tavern to fetch us so we could receive our reward. Nodding a thanks to Tamlin, we headed inside.
Word spread quickly through the common room that mother and daughter had come out alive, and both were reunited and resting at the local shelter. My Lady Kelda and I took a table at the back of the room so we could watch everyone and hear what Zalton Eskbar had to say. She gave me glance as I pulled out a flower, before her gaze fall toward Zalton.

After collecting some coin for my part in the rescue of the mother and daughter, I left a flower at the table my Lady Kelda and I had been sitting at, before making my way to Sarshel. With this extra coin, I'd be able to pay for the rest of my coat!

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:27 am

Day 19 - Walking In Style!

Finally, my coat was ready! The pay I received from the day before in helping rescue mother and daughter, went toward the final payment, and a little extra for good service. It left me with very little left, but having the coat as the nights were even colder and the days even wetter, was well worth the price. I wore it all the way back to Outentown and gave it a good first test in what must have been the very first snowfall near Outentown!
As usual, I took my seat in the tavern after ordering a meal and something to drink, pulled out a book and sat back to relax.
It wasn't long until the chair opposite to me was pulled away as a fellow took a seat. I tucked the book away as not be rude to the good fellow.

"Uh. Morning," I offered him a nod.

"It hasn't been bad," he said with a grin as he placed his hands on the table. "Reading?" His eyes watched as the book vanished back into my shoulder bag. "Ah. One of -those- books?"

"Hrm? What? It would be rude of me to continue reading with you at the table."

"That never stopped anyone," he smirked, placing an elbow on the table to rest his head in a hand.

"You coming from outside then?" I asked, nodding toward his bare arms.
"I take shelter from the beating wind and cold."

I nodded and knew exactly what he was talking about. "Mhm, it is chilly out there. I just picked up my new coat this morning from the tailor in Sarshel. It should keep me from freezing out there. Aren't your arms cold?"

"Not my season," and he nodded to his bare arms as well. "As high hell."

"I highly recommend the tailor if you're looking for a coat yourself." The fellow could use on, with arms exposed like that, he'd get the chills quickly outside.

"Is that a clever way of suggesting your book was more interesting?" He raised his chin and looked down at me.

"Uh. How so?" What on earth did he mean by that? Sarshel has an excellent tailor, and I have an excellent coat to prove it too!

"That I should get up out of here and see to my outfit, eh?" he suggested lifting an eyebrow at me.
"Oh? Very well. Please, do not let me keep you. Make sure you get measured at least twice, to save yourself from being too tight." Not for me to keep this fellow from his business, that's for sure. If he wanted to get out of the tavern and get on his outfit, by all means.

"Round about way, but you can read again now," he added with a harrump. "I'll see you again when you're in a better mood!"

Wha-? Wait, did I meet this fellow before and not recall? I rubbed my chin in thought. He did look a lot like Tamlin, but his voice sounded different. I just couldn't place the fellow at all.
I watched the man exit the establishment, clearly puzzled by his words. Did he want me to keep him from his business of getting a winter coat?

"Must be the weather." I shrugged it off, and returned to my book for the rest of the evening.

By the time late night approached I was feeling quite sleepy, but paying for my own winter coat had cut a lot into my savings, so I lingered and waited for the bartender to become occupied with another.
At that very moment, I slipped behind a bench in one corner of the common room, and curled up. It beat sleeping outside, and it was only for one night. The warmth from the nearby fireplace soothed my worries of being found, and sleep came quickly.

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:29 am

Day 20 - A Burning Fire

I'm not really sure how long I had slept behind the bench. Despite sleeping on the floor, the radiant heat off the bricks kept me nice and warm that I slept quite soundly, only waking now and again to roll over onto my other arm. It was a nice little retreat. No one knew I was there!
I was having such a lovely dream too, with my Lady Kelda visiting me in Songhall. When a second knock came at the door and my Lady Kallian walked in after my Lady Kelda, I found myself being shaken from my deep slumber and the dream came to an abrupt halt!
"Mhrm? Wha-?" I rubbed my eyes as the vision of both my Lady Kelda and my Lady Kallian in my room faded, only to be gazing back up at a woman I'd never seen before. Her dark hair was tied tightly into a long ponytail, and she wore a red top just as equally as tight.

"Does the innkeeper know you are sleeping there? Had a bit much, did you?"

"...uh ... are you an angel?" I mumbled, still blinking out of my slumber and clearly confused by how she was looking down at me.

"I do not think so," she offered a quiet chuckle at my query.

"I ... I don't have anywhere to stay, and it's cold outside. Y-you won't t-tell now, will y-you?"
"The man has an inn to run, and the farmstead has coin to earn. It is surprising he did not notice you, with that snoring."

Wait a minute. I don't snore!

"Uh. See ... I don't have m-much coin l-left since I was kic ... uh ... left Songhall where I was s-studying. C-come on my L-Lady, don't get me k-kicked outside into the s-snow!"

The woman then shifted on the bench, leaning her elbows on its back to get a closer look at me. "Studying?"

My goodness, she was stunning! What looked like flickers of flame had been inked on her arms, and her dark ponytail dangled over a shoulder wafting those exotic scents even closer. I swallowed, doing my best to regain my composure now that the wool in my head was dissipating.

"Mhm. Following in Ranspur the Illusionist's footsteps. I'm Noal Dagar by the way."

"Priestess Meera Estaria, Flame of Kossuth. I am not familiar with this ... illusionist that you were following ... my apologies, the arcane is not my area of knowledge."

"Nor mine, it seems, now that I am no longer studying at Songhall. Regardless, pleasure to meet you my Lady Meera."

"Likewise." A warm smile split her face and it glowed like fire. "At least you do not seem to be some drunk passed out in the corner. Worry not though ... it would be wrong of me to cause you to be cast into the cold. But this is hardly a long term solution.

The smell of her exotic scent finally arrived to the floor and I sat up, rubbing the back of my neck.
"You have fallen into hard times ... it is not the falling, but the getting back up that makes a man's character, is it not?"

"Uh, my Lady Meera, I've little skills myself, so there's not much to get back up for. I've a few things left I can still sell for coin, so it's not that grim." Too true indeed. Songhall was my road, and it crumbled before me. It would only get worse.

"The fire of life still burns in you, does it not? That alone makes it worth getting back up. You said you studied the arcane?" She still leaned there, gazing down at me, so I kept sitting there for the view.

"Uh. For what it's worth. Only mastered an illumination weave and another to pry open containers. It's a shame you don't study the arcane, then I could be your student. That's about the only chance I have at learning anything outside of Songhall now. You wouldn't know anyone who studies the arcane?"

"I am not acquainted with many wizards ... not here anyway," she added with a faint wry smile. "Would you have the knowledge to identify a scroll?"
I stuck my hat on my head, and stood from behind the bench, brushing myself down. Alexander had given me a device that allows me to read the runes on a scroll, so at least there was that I could do for the woman. Anything to keep that scent about!

"Uh. I'll need a table to flatten the scroll and examine it at least."

As we made our way to the table, Meera passed on a rolled parchment that I spread out on the table, using the empty mugs to hold each corner as I made my examination.
"The runes are being translated in an odd fashion. They shift when viewed, very grease-like indeed. Ah! Such a parchment, when the runes are read, will transfer its stored energy to any surface on which one stands on, and make it very slippery." I rolled up the parchment and returned it to her. "It can be sold in Sarshel, I'm sure of it, for a pretty amount."

"I see. That was most helpful ... here, let me pay you for your services." That warm smile of a glow burst onto her face again as coins jingled into my hand. Her fingers were so warm! "Is it a scroll that is of use to wizards?"

"Any who can understand the intricate runes and translate them to verbal and somatic gestures. My own studies never reached the first circle of knowledge to be able to weave such a spell myself."

My eyes shifted toward my Lady Kelda who was sitting at the bar drinking a warm cup of tea, as she always did. She may not have flames of ink wrapping up her arms, or exotic perfume, but she always wore her heart on her sleeve and cared for everyone. I sighed softly with a tilted head before returning my attention to Meera, not realizing I had a warm grin of thought on my face as I touched the scar on my left cheek.
"Here ... " Meera said handing the parchment back to me, and I stumbled along, my nerves of gazing at my Lady Kelda too long had caught up with me.

"N-no! R-really, my Lady Meera. I c-cannot comprehend it. It would be s-sold and n-nothing more."

"But one day, you will study so that you can."

"W-who will t-teach me?!" my voice cracked. "I am s-suspended from Songhall, my L-Lady." Slowly my thoughts of my Lady Kelda began to get taken over by Songhall and that Timothy fellow who had vanished completely since offering to get me back to my studies. "And if I'm able to return, then I will be under probation and will also require a number of references."
"A suitable teacher is out there somewhere. Perhaps ... I can help you arrange a reference."

"You said yourself you did not know any."

"No, not in this area."

"Then you see, it is quite hopeless, my Lady Meera."

"Then take that scroll, and sell it, if you need. Consider it the ... goodwill of the Firelord."

Lady Meera and I spoke about the Firelord, where I was born and the job I had back in the village, to Ranspur the Illusionist and how I came to want to study the arcane at Songhall, and how I got kicked out too!
"What kind of of illusionist gets kicked out of his studies after three weeks? Noal Dagar!"

"What ... did you do? Or not do?"

"It was that no good fellow Timothy! Said there was an Orc invasion and I should warn Songhall! So I did! When Songhall did its own investigation, they said I was responsible for creating an unnecessary disruption in academic studies."

"The Paladin Timothy?" she asked with a frown.

"I don't know what he is. The guy with the blue cloak," I shrugged. "Oh he said he'd sort this misunderstanding out, but I've not seen him since I mentioned I was suspended because of it all."
"Really ... one would think that preparedness for any eventuality would be welcomed by a place like that."

Shrugging, I added, "Guess because I'm not some high standing official or member of the Triad, they don't see it that way."

My face was red after all the emotions that had come forth, and Meera invited me over to the fire with her in an attempt to bring some calm to an otherwise stormy situation.

"I can see it angers you ... look into the flames," she offered, her exotic scents curling around me as I stood there gazing into the fireplace. "What do you see?"
"Flickering flames."

"Anything else?"

"Uh. A beautiful woman standing next to me smelling all nice."

"Concentrate on the flames, Noal," she added with a quiet chuckle.

"My Lady Meera, all I see are flames. Am I expected to see Timothy's charred hand grasping for life as the fire melts the skin off his face and burns his hair?" I continued to squint at the fire, still seeing nothing.
"Is that what you wish for, for Timothy?"

"You m-mean you c-could ... do t-that by looking into the f-fire?" I blinked in shock!

"No. No," Meera assured me. "But is that your wish? You are angry with him, yes?"

"Oh. Oh! Well, that's a relief. Uh," I nodded. "I am upset Timothy has not kept his word, but dying by fire ... no, I'd not wish that upon him or another. I let my anger get the best of me, my Lady Meera."

"Try to think more of what the wood burning can represent - what is bright and strong now can fade, and what is unseen can spark to great things."

I blinked and gazed at the fire. "So you're saying I'm the fading side of a log of wood? Where my future burned brightly as a student of Songhall, and now its faded to a burnt crisp?"
"And yet," Meera began as she used a poker to shift the log, "see how that faded part now bursts to life again?"

"Uh. Mhm." I nodded as the burnt log burst back to life.

"It is not always easy to see, when you are the dark unlighted part."

I nodded along to that and gazed up at her, "Or been put out by a bucket of water like I have. I understand. These coppers you gave me will at least allow me to stay over at the shelter again."

"That was my intent," Meera offered with a smile, "you should earn from your knowledge."

"Uh. Well, there aren't a lot who come to me for such things. I'm certain there are more knowledgeable folks about than I. I wouldn't even know the going rate of reading runes on a scroll."
As we stood and spoke, the fire crackled almost as if joining our discussion. Lady Meera wanted me to keep the scroll I had examined for her earlier, with the only debt being that I learn to weave the spell one day for her. I wasn't sure if I'd do it in front of a fire though, all that grease could ignite and we'd both burn.

"V-very well, but I want to make it c-clear I don't feel comfortable taking your coin and a scroll, but I will try to l-learn how to make use of the runes on the parchment."

Lady Meera offered me a smile. "Strength does not necessarily come from a place of comfort, Noal."

"Nor does it come from a Noal Dagar, my Lady Meera."

She chuckled softly. "This negativity ... needs to be removed, Noal."

"My Lady Meera, I've learned long ago that my strengths are few and I accept that."
"Then we shall make the best of what strengths you have. And that ... does not include sleeping behind the bench at the local tavern." The flames crackled loudly to her words.

"Uh, well, not for awhile anyway," I smirked, tapping my coin pouch to a soft jingle. "I'm going to visit the shelter and pay for the evening, if you don't mind being left alone?"

With farewells exchanged, I pulled up my collar and stepped outside. A tickle in my throat had gotten worse and I coughed a number of times after not wanting to do so before Lady Meera. A cold rain was pounding Outentown, and it was quite a ways to the shelter in this rotten weather.
I wasn't about to go back outside already soaked as I was, and that tickle was soon joined by a burning sensation in my lungs as I took deep breaths. No, it would be best to rest. Offering coins and thanks to my Lady Kelda loud enough for the fellow watching the donation box to hear, I undressed and nestled onto a cot, pulling as many blankets over me as I could.

I fell asleep with a growing shiver and woke up shortly after for a good barf all over the floor.
A Burning Lung

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:29 am

Day 21 - Growing Pains

I was thankful the vomit had been cleaned up during the night, and as much as I tried to get a good rest, it was impossible. The growing coughs, sniffles and burning in my lungs sent fits through my body. I broke out in a number of sweats during the night too. What I needed was some liquid, warm soup always hit the spot. Grabbing my coat, I stumbled my way down the road to the tavern to take a seat at the bar.
Johann nodded as the stool shifted, and I had to grab onto the bar to keep myself from falling over. With a scratchy voice, I ordered a bowl of soup full of vegetables that would hopefully give me some energy to get me through the day. Coughing a number of times caused me to turn my head, and I caught sight of my Lady Kelda and another miss I had not been introduced to yet. In my condition though, I kept my distance. I had enough difficulty taking care of myself, I didn't want to get my Lady Kelda sick and have to take care of her too.

As the soup arrived, as did the miss. Seems like I'd be meeting her after all. I stirred the soup with the wooden spoon, watching all the vegetables fight for space.
"This might help. The honey to sooth, the alcohol to drive spirits away," the small woman added as she placed a wooden cup on the counter.

"Uh, can I rub it on my chest?" I asked as I covered up yet another wild fit of coughs with an arm.

"I suppose you may."

"W-what sort of s-spirits do you t-think have taken h-hold of me? Is it ... b-bad?" Another fit of coughs, and the wooden spoon fell into the soup with a -plop-.

"I am not an expert. But I suspect you are not long for this world."

Oh dear. It's worse than I thought. Perhaps it's a disease she is familiar with and understands the aching pain and suffering that will engulf me.

"Uh ... I suppose that's true enough, being the failure I've become. T-thank you for the m-mead." It's all I could muster after hearing those words, coughing yet again as I turned my head away from her. My chest burned with a heated fury!


"See, even you can see it," I nodded slowly with a sniffle as I regained the wooden spoon in a hand. "I was t-top of my c-class in Songhall, then g-got suspended. I've no where to s-stay, and have little coin to my name." Johann cleared his throat and gave me a stern look as I raised the wooden spoon to my mouth. "Uh. I've the coin to pay for the s-soup," I assured him.
My Lady Kelda shifted from her seat by the fireplace and made her way over, pinching her nose a number of times. She wasn't wearing her regular robes today, sporting a tight fitting top that hugged her frame, a belt that showed off her hips, and pants tucked into knee-high boots.

"I-I've no s-skills to earn c-coin, and am utterly useless," I added between slurps of the soup to the miss. "T-Timothy said he'd sort it out for m-me, but I've not seen him since he said such."

My Lady Kelda groaned as she set her own mug on the counter, folding her arms with a dour frown working its way onto her face. "I don't mean to intrude, but I don't think you're going to die ..."

"Oh. Morning my Lady Kelda," I added churning the vegetables and watching them spin about the bowl of soup.

"Of course he's going to die soon. Look at the slowing of blood vessels under his skin. And that cough ... I am not the expert, but I'd say ten left at most."

Ten days? Ten hours? What difference did it make anyway? My coin would run out soon enough and I'd be back behind that bench in no time, or sleeping in a pile of hay in some forgotten farmstead. Songhall was a distant memory now.

"Miss Rokkr ... are you trained in medicine or as a physician at all?" Kelda asked the woman. So, Rokkr was her name. Maybe it did sound familiar? I wasn't really sure at all.

"Sir Skyraven has been ... busy, I think. I will ask him if I see him," my Lady Kelda then added, shifting to address me.

I shrugged at Kelda, still spinning the vegetables about. "Thank-you for the support."
"Mr. Noal, you should consult Father Garrmin. You might have pneumonia, or something similar."

Rokkr shifted at Kelda's question to her, looking me over before adding, "I suppose if I were, I could try to extend that time, but to what point?"

I signed into the soup bowl. "See. To what point really? So I can continue suffering and sleeping outside in barns or behind benches?"

"You say you're an educated man? And at your age ... why not stay with your grandchildren?" Rokkr asked.

"Uh. I never had children, my Lady." Blowing on the wooden spoon, I paused to enjoy the soup just as Kelda sighed.

"If you get yourself some healing, perhaps this business with Sir Skyraven can be sorted out."

A number of coughs greeted a swallow, and I felt soup roll up into my nose. "I didn't think I had to remind the man. I haven't even seen him since ... this," I offered a few soft taps to the scar on my left cheek.
"What were you kicked out of school for?" Rokkr then asked.

I put down the wooden spoon and pinched my nose. "Uh. Because Timothy told me it would be good to warn Songhall of a coming orc invasion."

"And?" she pushed forward, and I pinched my nose a second time.

"And I did, and Songhall was put in lockdown as they investigated those claims, which came to be false, so I was suspended for causing an unnecessary disruption in academic studies amongst the students."

Kelda shifted, spreading out a parchment onto the counter, along with some writing material and began writing. My chest burned, and it seemed with each drawing breath, there was a growing wheeze as I blew on the soup to cool it down.

"I will send this to Sir Skyraven for you. Do you wish me to see what I can do about ... what's ailing you?" my Lady Kelda asked, showing me the letter.

"D-do you have any ointments you could r-rub on my chest?" I asked her, slurping some soup off the wooden spoon.

Rokkr tilted her head, "I thought you wanted to rub the mead on your chest?"

"I asked if I could rub it on my chest, to stop the burning."

My Lady Kelda gave me a blank look as she stood there, arms folded, "On second thought, maybe we can just send you to Garrmin."
Putting the spoon down, I began working the top button of my shirt.

Kelda blinked. "Please don't."

"My Lady Kelda, I'd rather have someone I trust checking me, not someone I don't know."

"He is a priest of Ilmater. You can trust him."

"Uh. Are you no longer following Ilmater?" How odd. I could trust one of Ilmater, but it sounded like my Lady Kelda thought I couldn't trust her?

"I am still an Adorned of Ilmater."

"And one I trust with all of my heart, my Lady Kelda," I added, ending in a coughing fit into an arm.

"If you want to trust me, next time don't lie to my brother about my private life when I'm not looking!"

"L-lie? Pr-private life?" What in the realms was she talking about? Did she mean our private life together? "W-what is this a-about?"
"My brother let me know the things you told him the other day, Mr. Noal."

"Is this about the flowers I give you? Uh. About how caring and thoughtful you are?" I shifted on the stool toward Rokkr, adding proudly, "My Lady Kelda healed this scar on my cheek."

"You told him untrue things about a certain paladin, for instance."

A certain paladin? My Lady Meera had said Timothy was one, and he wore a blue cloak. Then there was Christophe in his purple cloak, and that other fellow in a red cloak I met once. How many paladins was my Lady Kelda seeing?

"Untrue? Uh. Which one again? The blue one, the red one or the purple one?"

Kelda shifted, exhaling a held breath through her nose as she shook her head. I waited for Kelda to respond by stirring the soup before having a number of spoonful's of vegetables.

"You need to see Garrmin about that cough. I will pay him for his time, if that is what you need."

I shook my head just as a number of coughs took hold. "You've always taken care of me my Lady Kelda, can't you just put your head up against my chest and give a listen? Sometimes when I take a deep breath, it burns right here." I rubbed the middle of my chest to give her an idea. Surely that's good information as to what was ailing me. All Kelda did was stand there, looking unamused.

"Garrmin is most skilled," she finally added still standing there. "I've lost my patience for these creepy excuses." Kelda slid her mug across the counter. "Hot water, please, Johann."

"I am not having some stranger examine me when you are capable of doing it yourself and keeping me comfortable." Coughing back into my arm, I shifted on the stool to resume working on the bowl of soup. "I'll be fine. Whatever it is will work its way through me."

Rokkr shifted on the counter, leaning elbows back. "Your desires are seethrough ... However, look at Kelda a moment, consider how little she offers in that way. Too young to even be overly skilled as a healer, let alone other things you may desire. Garrmin, have you met the man? So controlled, so focused. A lifetime of experience."

By now the soup had cooled, and there were still a number of large vegetables left that made their way onto the spoon and into my mouth. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kelda pinch her nose again. I sat there quietly, not wanting to upset my Lady Kelda any more than Rokkr had, or so it seemed to me with that comment. Picking up the bowl, I gulped down everything quickly, helping what vegetables remained into my mouth with the wooden spoon, then let the bowl hit the counter with a rattled spin.
When I stood, my legs almost gave way and I moved quickly to hold myself up against the bar for stability. Coughing and clearing my throat, I spoke down toward the counter. Feeling light headed, I didn't want to take a chance to glance Kelda's way. "You healed a blade cut through my cheek, but you know nothing of a cough and burning chest?"

With a sigh and a frown, Kelda finally had something to say about the matter. "What other symptoms do you have?"

"It's f-fine. I'm f-fine." Just stop spinning already and keep the soup down. It's all I ask! Not in front of my Lady Kelda, anything but that. Be strong! "Uh. Sweating while sleeping."

"You seem generally weakened."

"You make me weak in the knees, my Lady Kelda." I did my best to straighten when I said those words, but I just couldn't find the strength. She grunted at least!

"Weakness, coughing, paleness. Anything else?"

"Uh. I've vomited twice already since I was knocked out saving the mother and her daughter. Once right after, then just last night."

Rokkr, standing there watching and offering no assistance as my head spun asked, "There are worse issues to consider than the vomiting ... You are how old, without children? When did these poor tactics at seduction begin?"

With both hands still on the counter, I slowly made my way back on the stool and swallowed, struggling to keep the soup from spraying all over the bar. The chunks of vegetable would be difficult to find if I did. I blinked at the counter and then shifted a silent gaze toward Rokkr. I caught Kelda massaging beneath her eyes too.

"Fine, let me see what I can do."
I nodded, covering up a cough full of phlem with a hand, shifting slowly to face Kelda with my hands on my lap. Her hands touched my forehead, and when I opened up my mouth and stuck out my tongue, she examined the back of my throat before standing up straight.

"Lung and throat infection," she added with a final nod. "Your throat's as swollen as a ... I don't know. Something."

"Uh. It's ... n-not insect eggs layed down there ... is it?" Such tales raced through my mind! Perhaps a bug got down there when I was knocked out, or a spider I never noticed in the spider den did something?

Kelda scratched her cheek thoughtfully. "No, it's not."

Relief spread through me at learning that, despite still having a lung and throat infection. At least I wouldn't have hatchlings bursting out of my body anytime soon.

"For now, a lot of rest, liquids, and maybe some cough syrup will do you good. The alchemist in Sarshel sells such a thing. It'll ease the cough, and let your throat heal."

"I ... have to go to Sarshel?" I asked feeling quite defeated at the thought. "I could barely stand a moment ago, my Lady Kelda. Do you think one of you could pick it up for me? I've got some coin from identifying runes on a parchment from the other day."
"Oh. Right," Kelda added with a frown, then waved a hand out before her dismissively. "Don't worry about it. I'll pick up some medicine as well. Just stop lying to my brother and we're even. Or about my private life in general. Deal?"

"My Lady," I started with a wheeze, "you still have not explained what it is I may have said?"

Kelda looked down at me sternly, and I glanced up at her sickly.

"Like ... forget it," she sighed. "I'll get the medicine."

With that, my Lady Kelda picked up her cloak, pulled up her hood and left for Sarshel.

"T-thank you my Lady Kelda. You are a true friend."
Rokkr stuck around at the bar for a short while after, talking to me about my age, and going on and on about having a short life expentency, before ducking out herself. With an order of some cold water, and waiting for the feeling of vomiting all over the counter to subside, I grabbed my coat and made my way slowly to the shelter.

I almost didn't make it.
A loving hand heals all

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:39 am

Day 22 - Tender Sniffles and Sneezes
The day wasn't any better than the last, in fact it was a lot worse. My cough burned my lungs and phlem rolled up my throat each time, which I'd only swallow back down with a nasty tasting shiver. A constant dripping and sniffling nose didn't help matters at all, and when I wasn't coughing up a lung, I was blowing my nose. Much of my day was spent resting by the fire over in the tavern.
I was able to nap a bit too, and when I shuffled over to the bar to order some warm soup, my Lady Kelda and Bors were there.

"... soups please ..." I ordered when I got to the counter. Digging through a pocket, I pulled out a few coins along with some lint and a ball of yarn. "...uhs, by fires".

Bending over as I coughed, I made my way back to the fire and took a seat on the bench, sniffling loudly.
About ten minutes passed before I heard a bark from Johann behind the counter, and the wooden bowl of steaming soup caught my eye.

"... i is comings!" My voice didn't sound normal at all. Bumping into the table didn't do me any good either, and I walked on over rubbing a knee and blowing my nose.
All the sniffling, coughing and shuffling caught my Lady Kelda's beautiful blue-eyed gaze, and from her seated position where she cupped a mug of her own she asked, "Mr. Noal, did you take the medicine I got you?"

Stumbling forward, she got off her stool pinching her nose as she always did, and headed to meet me halfway to the counter. The soup steamed and taunted me as I coughed again.

"/Mr. Noal/. Did you take your medicine?" she asked me again with a frown. I shuffled past her to grab the bowl of soup and returned to the bench and the warmth of the fire.

"Keldas ... oh, you broughts it?" I used the end of my scarf to wipe my nose as it started to drip before taking a seat.

"I brought it to ... " and she spun on her boots to give Johann a glare, then walked over to the counter herself.
As I stirred the soup, I could hear Kelda arguing with Johann. The fellow frowned himself as he handed over the medicine. Kelda didn't look very pleased about it either.

"Here. This you take with every meal. This you take at the start of the day. This you mix into your drinks." Each explination ended with a container of medicine being placed on the table.

My eyes started to water after the first spoonful of soup. It was very spicey today, and I struggled to see the medicine clearly. As if realizing my lack of sight, Kelda repeated herself.

"This you take with every meal. This you take at the start of the day. This you mix into your drinks."

"H-how many per bottle? O-one with every m-meal or t-two?" I blinked my eyes quickly and they slowly refocused on her standing there. She was still without her robe.

"One drop each. "

"A d-drop?"

Bors, who was watching from the bar, called over to Kelda then. "Better write it down on the right ones."

Kelda simply pinched the bridge of her nose again and gave Bors a glance from over a shoulder before continuing.

"You have two infections--throat and lung."
"Uh. How long must I take all three bottles?"

"Until they're out. Don't just stop taking them because you feel better, or you'll just make it worse."

"T-that's a lot. Did you mark them for me? What happens if I take a drop of the drink one and take it with food by accident?"

"It just won't work as well," Kelda added just as Kallian walked into the establishment, brushing off a layer of snow from her shoulders. Edvard, Kelda's brother, walked in shortly after.

"...okays..." I responded with a sniffle while stirring the soup. "C-could you put a d-drop in my s-soup, my L-Lady Kelda?" Another round of coughing made me hold my chest this time. The burn was unreal.

Rubbing her face wearily, Kelda opened up the appropriate bottle of medicine to add a single drop to the soup. I stirred it slowly.

"T-thank you, my L-Lady Kelda."
I'd really be giving the shelter a large donation on behalf of my Lady Kelda. She went all the way to Sarshel to pick up the medicine, and took the time to diagnose my situation. She really was that fallen star from the sky, always shining brightly with layers of consideration and care.

As I stirred the soup and sipped it, I could overhear good fellow Bors talking to Edvard about how sick I was.

"...coughing like he's trying to bring his insides up," Bors rumbled.

"It's coz he's scrawny. Scrawny lads who stay outside get sick," Kelda's brother responded. I could feel his eyes on me. "Look 'it 'is arms. Loik little twigs they are."

Bors continued to rumble along. "True, 'e was studying at Songhall 'til Skyraven got 'im kicked out."
"Really? Wot for?" Edvard inquired.

"Told 'im Orcs were attacking," Bors added with a shrug. "They weren't."

Enjoying the soup, I went for the medicine bottles, turning them over in a hand to examine the instructions Kelda had left. A few more extra drops made their way into the soup after Edvard made the suggestion that I'd heal quicker if I took more medicine. It was sound advice, but Kelda didn't approve. She frowned and shook her head as Kallian comforted her with whispered words.

Lifting the bowl toward my mouth, I finished off what remained of the soup with a few quick gulps, then blinked. And blinked again. A burning sensation hit my throat, and it was as if someone had put their hands around my neck and started to squeeze!
I reached for a bottle on the table, hopeful it had something left in it to wash the burning sensation down, but it was empty! Gasping for air only produced a stiffled cough as little from my lungs escaped. My throat continued to burn. Was someone trying to poison me? But why! Sticking my tongue out, I gagged and out came a harsh whisper.

"...waters..." and gasped again, slapping a hand on the table loudly to grab anyone's attention, motioning with my other hand toward my throat! Bors was quick to notice, as he always was.

"Shit, Kelda!" he called to her just as she reached the doors to head out herself.

"w-wa..t ..." My throat was on fire now!

The gasping continue, a fish out of water! My eyes watered and the room shifted, becoming blurry. My head started to spin as voices and calls for help ran through the common room.

"Huh? Wha-?" Kelda's voice could be heard barely over my gasping.

"Noal!" Bors said calmly.

My fingers moved quickly as a memory of my Lady Kelda learning to sign flashed before me. Studies in Songhall helped quicken my knowledge of somatics and signing.

The sound of little footsteps got closer and her fingers grabbed the back of my neck as she offered her waterskin to me. It splashed across my lips and down my throat, taking the burning sensation along with it and opening up my throat. I gasped for air a number of times, coughing wildly as water dribbled down my chin.

"Is he dyin'?" Edvard asked his sister as he too came toward the bench.

"...soup was very spicey ... T-thank you," I offered warmly to my Lady Kelda, handing back her waterskin.

"I ... don't think he's choking," she added back to Bors with a frown.

Edvard slapped the middle of my back with some force right then! "There ye go! Out 'an in, ye'll be fine!"

Taking another long and deep breath, I rubbed my throat. "Must have ... been a black ... pepper or something ..."
Kelda gave a wooden post a good kick, but said nothing as to what was bothering her so much. Lady Kallian was gone as well, so perhaps the two of them were fighting. Edvard certainly sensed it, and took Kelda for a walk, but by the time Bors and I got outside, they were long gone. I'd have enjoyed a nice walk with my Lady Kelda too, but I also knew I had to rest myself.
Bors was nice enough to walk me to the shelter, he always had been a good friend and I'd repay him one day by looking out for him just the same. For now, I'd rest and take the medicine as prescribed to me by my Lady Kelda.

In the morning, I'd give a large donation in her name, as I always did when I stayed beneath the sheltered hand of Ilmater.

In your hands, I am safe.

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:42 am

Returning from a visit to Songhall, keeping to the local inn with his hood drawn to avoid being recognized, Noal hiked along the well worn road, twisting and descending his way back toward Outentown.

Past an old ruin, a crack of wood snapped across the moss covered bricks startling the good fellow. A second arrow dug into his flesh as a Goblin Scout jumped out from behind the ruin in an ambush and onto the road.
Startled, Noal ran as fast as he could down the road toward Outentown, calling for help.

Another arrow sunk deep, and his vision turned red.

He gasped for air, clutching his walking stick with white knuckles to keep himself steady. A third arrow flew, rustling a bush behind him, nailing him in the back.
With a grunt, he slammed into a wooden sign pointing its direction toward Songhall, sliding down into the grass like the pin cushion he had become.
Only a deep trail of blood marked his passing as he clawed his way toward Outentown on his stomach.

And in blood he fades...

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:42 am


I taste blood, but why would that be?

I can hear the grinding of poultice in my mind.

But yes, your shirt no longer shows your belly button. Why did I notice that?

Who is she?

Maybe it's blood of another?

Have I been left behind?

I can feel a breeze, hear a rustle.

Where am I?

And who are all these people?

I know that face. That black hair.

That golden hair.

And that fire-red hue I see in you.

Why ... am I Noal Dagar?

I am Noal Dagar!

I am Noal Dagar-- and I know.

In ways normal men cannot: I know.

I see into things, beyond things.

I see the strands of Fate that binds us: victoms to victors.

I AM NOAL DAGAR. Just a normal guy--who got tapped on the shoulder by fate.

Just Noal Dagar. That's my weakness.

That's my strength.

Oh? Oh! I remember. Of Songhall. And this is blood. My blood. Noal Dagar's blood!




A gasp broke from my cracked and blood-stained lips, the brightness of the day straining my eyes as they fluttered open from the darkness of swirling memories. Piglets snorted around me, while my face got licked by a massive hog, spewing warm saliva across my skin. A number of arrow shafts graced my body, and pain throbbed in a number of places.

A deep breath sent a wave of pain from my shoulder down to my toes as my hazy gaze caught sight of a red-feathered hat. Kelda's leather hat, with a matching red sash in all of Ilmater's glory.

As I struggled to reach for it, my mouth dry, the soft patter of bare feet approached.

My fingers wiggled, my voice a harsh whisper, "I ... am ... Noal ... Dagar!"

A shrill voice cracked into the morning air, just as shadows of darkness engulfed my thoughts again as my arm fell short of its goal.

"Papa! PAPA!" a young girls voice called.
A Weave Revived

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Re: Noal Dagar - Master of Illusionary Arts

Postby Hagra » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:46 am

Something crackled in the far distance, within the darkness ahead. Along with it, came the scent of apples and cinnamon, then a soft number of clangs. I could feel a tightness in my chest, an ache on my left foot, that when moved slightly, returned with a steady sharpness. A dry mouth, almost a paste, made parting cracked lips a near chore. The crackle returned then, and slowly my eyes opened to flickering shadows dancing across a wooden floor.
A nearby table, with a cloth-covered pie the source of the apple and cinnamon scent that filled the cabin. A silhouette of a young girl sat on a stool, stirring a pot that swung slightly over an open flame of a fireplace. If anyone else was in the cabin, I certainly could not tell. As fingers graced my chest, they met the wrapped curl of blood-stained bandages, arrows removed days ago still left a sharp lingering pain. Again, the steady ache on my left foot returned.

Claws. Or were they teeth?

Raising my head off a number of pillows, two pairs of eyes glittered back at my own. Playful flicking tails from kittens had found a shifting foot to be a wondrous thing, and my cracked lips fell into a smile before the shadows on the ceiling of the cabin danced with the sandman, pulling me back to sleep. The soft and content sound of purring the last I can recall.

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