Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

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Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:13 am

Somewhere in the Earthfast Mountains, 6 years previously:

Aeldred staggered back against the rain lashed rock, his breath ragged and the pain sharp from deep gashes whose blood mingled with the rain as he stared at the recently slain creature at his feet. The pale silvery light that shone from his sword illuminated clearly enough the fangs and claws that had inflicted his wounds, and those ferocious red eyes now stared mercifully lifelessly at him. Gritting his teeth, he muttered a prayer to the hidden moonlight, enough to staunch the bleeding of the worst of his wounds, and as the enchantment faded from his blade, he sheathed it and began a slow limp down the mountain path. The village was not too far, he would reach it by daybreak and there he would see that the wounds were properly cleaned - he had not been bitten, but one could not be too careful with the curse these creatures carried.


Blood. He smelt it, distant among the rain, but it was unmistakeable. He knew that smell too...something was wrong, and he bounded with vicious intensity over the rocks, the smell growing stronger with each leap. It was close now..and then he saw it. Saw her, dead on the path, the cuts of some cursed blade through her fur. The rage built, and built...and there was more blood, not hers, but now a new prey. Every sinew strained as he howled his hate and anger to the night, and he raced off in pursuit of the scent.


Even through the wind, Aeldred heard the howl. Oh...shit...he was hurt, and with few of the Moonmaiden's blessings left to aid him. He turned, looking back up the mountain, seeing nothing in the stormy night beyond the circle of light around him, the same circle of light that his pursuer had now also seen. It burst into his field of vision, a raging, snarling mass of black fur that the exhausted Silverstar could do little to halt. It was over quickly, this fight, and Aeldred's tattered body was hurled into the air, and the creature gave a howl of rage filled triumph as the body tumbled down the mountain, and into the river below.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:21 pm

6 Years later:

The afternoon sun gently illuminated the white stone columns of the House of the Four Moons as it basked in the light on its hilltop position. The shining splendour of Velprintalar lay below, the bustling streets and harbour ringed by its tree lined hills, and the outlook from the elegant old cathedral over Aglarond's capital was surely one of the best views in Faerun. Inside, the old halls were hushed in a reverent peace, soft footfalls making their way about their business as by now even this temple's mostly nocturnal residents were up and about. One of these residents, a balding scholarly looking man, paused in his steps as he noticed another figure standing quietly at a small alcove to the side of the main nave of the cathedral. He approached quietly, looking curiously at the woman standing in front of a small candle which was flickering over an empty glass case.

She turned her head as he approached, offering a polite smile "Yuiredd, good day"
"Maera, and to you also. You..are finding some curiosity in this shrine? I do not recall seeing you pause here before"
Maera gave him a thoughtful look "I remember you telling me of this shrine not long after I came to the temple. Of the wand that was in this case."
"Yes, indeed.." Yuiredd interrupted "the Wand of Radiant is lost, as you know. A loss to us all, along with the one who carried it."
"It was a gift of the Lady, to be used, Yuiredd, with the risks that included. She did not give it to sit in a case"
"No..but that case is where we remember Brother Aeldred, this is his shrine now, as you know."
"The Wand, Yuiredd.."she paused, looking a bit uncertain of what she was going to say next "I saw it"
"Maera, you came here after it had gone..." he stopped, looking pensive "Go on.."
"The other night, when the Lady was full, in my meditation I..saw it. I just knew it was this wand, in that way you do in a dream...but it was silver, two entwined strands of metal, with a pearl moon at its end"
"I never told you that, when I told you of the wand...have you spoken with another who knew it?"
"No, I was a fleeting glimpse, and then I saw a shooting star pass Coliar to the northwest."
Yuiredd took a deep breath, seeming to take the tale at face value. "The planet of travel. Hmm...and in the direction of where Aeldred disappeared too. We must think on this some more, you should speak with Sister Lynneth of the Oracles when she rises..perhaps it is time you did spread your wings a little Maera. The Lady's light guide you." He turned, and carried on his business, leaving the half elf to her contemplations.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:15 am

Cloistered, Sister Lynneth had said. She had, in honest reflection, been right, but a place as serenely calm and beautiful as the Four Moons is an easy place to become lost among time. It was the right thing for me to do, though, for those five summers that passed at the temple granted me the acceptance and knowledge of the Moonmaiden's blessings, and as a contrast to the bustle and turmoil of what had gone before, the cycles of observation at the temple were a blessing and an important stage in my life. And so I find myself contemplating the rising moon in a frozen Impiltur night, a thing of great beauty as the Lady's light highlights the snow covered trees and stones, making a natural temple among this old stone circle by the road that somehow mimics the Four Moons, but one that also rekindles the bond with the land that father spent so long teaching me in the depths of the Yuirwood. Even in the depths of winter though, Aglarond was never as cold as this..the new armour is at least a bit warmer than the old one, and less restrictive too, one of the more tangible benefits of my first tendays in this land.

I had managed to reach the mountain sanctuary of Songhall, albeit by a mostly underground route; frustratingly, there had not been time to begin any research before returning to the tunnels to try and assist the wandering Miss Pine. Some more goblins were felled on that trip, so the postponement of my visit to the library was at least in a good cause. It brings to almost a score the number of goblins I have seen slain, with no loss in return; their numbers must be uncountable beneath the mountains if that sort of tally can be kept. The stumbling on one of their god's shrines though was a reminder that they are to be taken seriously; I was more shaken than I should have been at the sight of that shrine, it is one thing to be told of the workings of the dark gods, but another to see them for real. I am not sure if my sanctifying of the place did any good, and it took the gruff command of the dwarf to stir me to do it in the first place - not the best of examples to set, but I will pray that the next time (for there will be a next time) I encounter such a place, I shall be stronger. I shall pray for a greater strength against the unliving too, for all that we were able to fell those cursed souls along the shore, it was by strength of arms and mind, and I was unable to bring the Lady's light to banish them. I feel the strength of Her blessings growing though, the moments of strength have outnumbered those of weakness, with various companions. that a word, Sister Lynneth? There is much to do yet, my work and tasks here have not even begun in earnest, but by the Lady's grace I am slowly gaining contacts and knowledge. I will work on gaining enough coin to purchase the ridiculous "licence" to preach, although I see little choice if I am to work freely here, I shall pay it through gritted teeth and begrudge them every copper.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:57 am

I cannot recall any occasion in Aglarond when the Moon was shrouded in cloud this thick at one of the Quarter days. It was odd, to offer prayers to Her while She was hidden from sight, not to mention in the middle of a snowfall at the stones on the road to Thelnam. It would be wrong to say I felt disconnected, because I did not, but the experience, like so many of the last few days, was certainly different. The cold of the ancient stones contrasted with the warmth of Lucien's fireside shelter and spiced wine, but I still appreciated the ancient structure, and the reminder of a connection to the land on which She shines. As for Lucien, it is good to have someone around I feel I can confide in, even if I have not known him for long; there was something in the struggle for survival in our first venture that has made a bond there. He was not part of any plan, but there is room enough for spontaneity in whatever actions I take to serve the Lady.

The struggle against the unloving continued these last few days; from the awakening presence in the sarcophagus to the withdrawal carrying the recovered bodies of those earlier fallen, their foul presence has never been too far away. I was feeling doubtful and a bit uneasy at our groups backing away from the sarcophagus, but further events have shown beyond doubt that even for those with the blessings of the Gods, that is sometimes the best course. It was illuminating to see and feel the Dawnbringer's strength against the hordes that assaulted us; it was not the moon's light than shone brightest in that place, but that is a lesson and instruction to me to continue on my path, so that I can carry Her silver light to such dark places. It has been a week of rapid learning, of experiencing things that I had only been told about before, and of the reminder that others look to us; the Dawnbringer's wish that I take the front against the disturbed spirits alongside her and her pet knight, at the expense of more skilled warriors, brought that fact to sharp focus. Something else that I was guilty of almost forgetting during the introspection at the temple.

The falling snow makes an immediate return to Songhall difficult, and I still have no licence to preach. I did not help that by spending half my coin on warm blankets for those in the north stricken with winter's grip, but that is a choice I can easily live with. As the full moon approaches, I will take the opportunity to read some futures, and I have heard that Elena is a follower of Selune - our paths have not crossed much, ships that pass in the night as it were; the days ahead are filling up nicely.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:26 am

Filling up nicely...I should be careful of what I wish for. The events of the last few days have left me more drained and sore than I would have thought possible, but nonetheless have shown me much and strengthened my resolve for whatever may lie ahead. The contrast with the peace of the full moonlight and being able to bring some happiness and guidance to those that came to seek the Lady's light, with the darkness and despair witnessed in the once hallowed ruins is more than striking; once again my travels here have brought me into direct contact with things only read about or discussed in serious lessons at the House.

The news that Anton had brought me was disturbing enough, a tale of dark visions in the aftermath of his falling in the haunted ruins near Outentown, and of the malignant tentacles of the church of Shar trying to drag him in to her following. Whether the rumours of a were-beast along the Laviguer Road were related to this or not, was unclear, but it was in that direction that the two of us set off. He had mentioned some ruins, which were some way off the road at a location that should remain undisclosed for now. What little remained on the surface of these ruins was cloaked in a deep darkness, darker than the night that surrounded it, but even that darkness receded when faced with Selune's light. There was a way down, a long, slippery and dangerous looking climb, but descend we did, and with terrifying immediacy were faced with confirmation of the werewolf rumours. The creature mauled at Anton, mercifully he did not seem to be infected by its bite, and with the aid of the Lady's strength the creature was eventually defeated. The place to which we had descended contained more ruins and statues, and while the statues were blackened and defaced, it was clear that they were of a style used in Selune's temples many years ago. I still recall being presented with the "Divine Architecture of Ages Past" at Velprintalar, and generally using it as an aid to sleep, but the identity of the defaced and desecrated statues was clear enough. It was hard however, to connect with the Moonmaiden in that dark and defaced place - it may once have been Her's but in reality it had not felt Her presence in centuries. There were more pressing matters than archaeology however, although the place will need to be revisited soon, and the almost deadly fight with the two cultists, and the desperate attempts to save the life of their victim will remain a vivid memory. The deeper recesses of the old shrine were eventually reached, Anton taking the time to decipher the old mechanism that served to protect the inner areas from intrusion. Not all intrusion, unfortunately, as he had managed to work out how to gain access, so it seemed had the cultists, as their other victims were to be found in this area. One lived, but the other was dead, and painfully so, and I recognised her with horror as the Moonmaiden's priestess I had spoken with in Sarshel a few days previously. There was no sign of her partner, and I can only fear the worst for his safety; but the priority now lay with bringing the two survivors to safety. I will pray to ward the bad dreams that will come, after the sights of that place, and the laborious dragging of the Priestess' body by rope up the slope to the daylight. She is at rest now, but there was no dignity in her passing or the recovery of her body; the quenching of the moonlight indeed and even if those responsible are dead, they have still struck a blow to our Church. The survivors were delivered to Sarshel and the care of the Triad, and I must return to look for the other Priest, and to consider what to do with the ruins of the Moonmaiden's old sanctuary. It is unlikely also that the two cultists and the werewolf we slew were all of the enemy, but I can but hope that we have hampered their activities at least for a while.

At least Lucien was gone from the Temple when Anton and I returned - true enough to his word, he had no wish to linger there once his recovery was as complete as it could be. His tale of the giant spider and seems there is no shortage of darkness lurking beneath this land. I am glad he lives though, however his wounds have taken their toll, and in spite of his determination, he did look drained and pale. Do I have to worry about him as well now? Quite possibly - but when I head back up the Laviguer Road it will be good to have him along. It would be good also to talk some more with the Dawnbringer - her sermons are wonderfully delivered, and she has obviously established herself and her church well in her time here. An amusing coincidence perhaps that we share elven blood, there are few of us here, in contrast to Aglarond. When I will find the time to sit and chat is another matter, but I am sure the chance will come.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:17 am

It took a few hours under the moonlight to still my thoughts enough to feel Her touch in my mind once more. A quiet spot near some woods, just outside the city, but far enough from its bustle and concerns to grant me the space I desperately needed. I prayed in the last light of Her presence before the coming of the new dawn, endlessly turning the recovered moonstone in my fingers, and using Her waning to begin to remove the negative thoughts that have built up in the last tenday. With the Lady's presence, and the new dawn's light, I began to see more clearly, the two lights cutting through the jumble of thoughts that were fogging my mind. Fears, doubts, uncertainty all remain, but I know I have the strength to rise sufficiently above them, and as the moon continues to darken, I will focus more on overcoming those fears.

Fears and doubts do generally have a source, and if that source can be faced and vanquished directly, then that is the best way of dealing with them. Accepting what cannot be vanquished is a second best, but may at times be the only choice. I would never wish to restrain another's free will, and this makes trying to lead a disparate group challenging sometimes - I am not a commander who can expect to bark an order and have it followed, nor would I wish to be. The individual's freedom to choose is paramount, but that does not mean I, or any other, have to like that choice. So those who chose not to hunt the church's enemies in the sewers were free to make that choice, but it does not lessen the disappointment - partly at my own failing to inspire, it must be said, and even through the party largely regrouped, and did good work, there is unfinished business there and I will need to think carefully of who I can trust to see it through when the time comes. Disappointment also that Lucien has vanished without a word after the bloodbath in the trees; a messy business, and one we were fortunate to be able to recover, I had not expected to be able to do much except scout and prepare the way for the main rescue party in the morning, but Ornak's presence allowed the recovery to begin under the Lady's light. I understand the need Lucien may have to rest and recover, but with everything else this tenday, I really did not need another uncertainty on my mind.

So much for the disappointments...they can be more easily overcome than the genuine fears. Tuonnen, for one, still has to be found, and the news that the two women Anton and I brought back from the Night's clutches have acquired a mysterious benefactor who has taken them from the temple is something that gnaws at me...did we go through all that just to have them hauled back into the Mistress' grasp right from under our noses? Enemies all around, and none of them if plain sight; the Lady's light will guide me, but I hope that it will not be the only thing I can end up truly relying on.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:06 pm

I will not forget that face until my dying day. A sneering, malignant visage, its dark pits of eyes reflecting the dark blackness of its twisted hell forged soul. Its hate and rage at our presence as much as its own existence, and its malevolent presence of despotism and cruelty raged squarely against everything the Moonmaiden stands for. It became strangely still, amid the chaos and shouts of my comrades fighting around me. I looked to the creature, its eyes met mine, and for what seemed like an age, although was scarcely three steps forward, the only two things in that room were me and the creature. Within me, I felt the light of the Lady's grace, but in this light was more than the gentle calm of a moonlit night; this light burned, raged with an intensity that was almost frightening. As I moved towards the creature, my focus and this light seemed to burst forth, and within a moment the malignant, sneering visage turned to a hate filled terror. It flapped and squirmed, squealing an unearthly cacophony as it tried to shield itself with its wings and arms. To no avail, and we pressed forward to strike at its helpless form, its squeals fading to silence as our blows struck true, and the creature faded from this plane back to wherever it had crawled from. The enormity of what happened stunned me for a few long moments, so much that I forgot almost that others were with me, and had been fighting their own battles. The feeling of the upwelling of such a radiant fury had left me equally drained and exhilarated, I had seen others perform such an act but this was the first time such divine power had flown through me., We - had forced a being from the Hells to crumple in terror, and that is a victory, a step forward on the journey. Next time, for there will be a next time, I will try not to quite so stunned by the experience.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:59 am

It has been some time since I had a conversation with one of the People. I stretch my mind back ten winters to when I left the Yuirwood, and the weeks following the distant skirmish in the east that claimed my father's life. A dark time, for many, and while some tried to persuade me to stay under the trees, it was the other voices that won over that day, and started me on the journey that has led me to here. The connection with the woods, and its creatures, may have receded, but it is not gone, and neither is the link with the People. The conversation with Dove may have awakened something that was dormant, but what she speaks of is a goal for a lifetime, and I am not sure I can expand my mind to encompass that at the moment. Something else to contemplate and pray on over the coming turnings of the moon. The elven talk was not the only welcome thing in Sarshel when I returned; the completion of some unfinished business in the dark and stink of the sewers was satisfying, and the Beastlord's creatures who lurked in the dark have been vanquished, by the aid of the Lady's light and the unyielding strength of my companions. It was a fitting return after the quiet of the old pond, an action to start the Moon's cycle with conviction, and to set the tone for what lies ahead. I have also, through gritted teeth, paid for a licence to promote the Moonmaiden; a requirement that still makes my blood boil, but there is little to be gained by bucking too much against the laws of the land; I can do more good by serving Her openly. The cost was recouped from the armour salvaged from the sewers anyway, a sign surely that this course of action was the right one. The next stop will be the Docks, I can continue to offer Kelda some small aid at her clinic, but my main work will see me at the dockside for now. The Lady's light is there to guide the navigator, the sailor, and they need to know Her presence is represented in the City, as do many others - the outcasts, women of the night, wanderers and travellers...there will be much to do, but I know Her light will guide me.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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Re: Maera's Moonlight Meanderings

Postby Highlander » Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:29 am

I know now how Sister Lynneth would sometimes feel. She, of the blessed Oracles, would withdraw sometimes to her chambers, and not be seen for several days and nights after a full moon. I recall attending to her one time, and being shocked at her sunken eyes, almost haunted appearance. It was, she said later, the price that is sometimes paid for seeing what others cannot, even with the Moonmaiden's guidance. As a way of marking the full moon, my own first foray into the realms of the hidden shall forever linger with me. Different, completely, from the readings of the cards, or the subtle glint of the crystal ball, a venture of the mind into a dark, shadow filled place. The crystal ball...I shall have to replace, and I have left the small cuts on my hands untouched from its shattering, I shall let them heal naturally without aid, a reminder of the strength of the dark that faces us. The deeper power of the pool however, let me see further, and the hunt for Tuonnen and those we rescued from the Cult, has taken some steps forward. It is a long way from conclusion, and there remain significant obstacles; I do have however the beginnings of a group in mind to take the necessary action when the Cult are found, but the revelation of the nature of one of those we rescued means I must choose companions with care; not all will understand what she is, I can only pray that in the meantime she has the strength to resist the shadow's touch. It was good to be able to talk with Anton and Fenneken about what has occurred, and to have their thoughts. This moon's cycle has also strengthened the ties with the Dawnlord's church; a joint putting to rest of many restless dead was a fitting venture as the moon brightened. The light of the Dawn still shines brighter against those foes, but the Moonlight has turned aside some also. It is my strength that is the limit, not the Lady's light, but I know my actions keep me in Her favour, and in time Her light will flow more brightly through me. As the full moon turns, there is searching to be done in the city, and waiting also by the Docks for any ship from Velprintalar. I can work, and wait, and watch..but with the Cult, and Hroin's request lingering, it feels like the calm before the storm.
Lori Peveril: Enchanter
Auri: Mountian Druid
Riva Merys: Mystran Priest
Theli Ironfist: Dwarf Monk
Reyne Kendrick: Sneak

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