Correspondence: Merney Valroc

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Correspondence: Merney Valroc

Postby Kilaana » Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:21 pm

This wax-sealed letter is delivered personally by a messenger who takes pains to watch the city gates for the distinguishable rider and his destrier to return.
To M. Valroc:

I hope you will forgive my letter written in haste, for my time in Sarshel is always divided when I am here, but my words are not without sincerity in their purpose. You may wonder why I have decided to call upon you at this hour when the City lies in a state of decay, but I think that there is no better time than the present to ask the aid of one such as yourself.

Of your repute, let the gossipmongers say what they will; and let this letter be betwixt a man to another, knowing that as clothing does not truly make a person, so too does gossip not paint a true picture of the individual within.

Let me explain my purpose more clearly: I have had, for some time, been sought by a client who is himself a good fellow, but due to the precipituous nature of the task, I have not been able to see it done. It is one that requires an understanding of what it means to those who have sworn lordly allegiance. Speed in the matter is not of the essence, but should we be able to restore what was lost, you can be assured it will be a noteworthy contribution to those who mark their influences in Sarshel and beyond.

The task itself is no small one, for you must locate a cemetery in the slopes around Vlasta that houses a generation of soldiers who once marched under a common banner. The place is believed to have been lost to desecration, its nature is foul that I can say, but where its past is far in the depths of history I am afraid that is all I can inform. Of the details, what should concern you is that the task is specific to House Naveric, for they seek to retrieve a relic that was interred with a distant relative. The object is a goblet sacred to their faith in the Three; you will find it easily distinguishable by the scene of the prayerful around its silver bowl, and the ruby that forms part of its stem. Of the deceased, you will recognise it by its name and its marker - Vestiar F. Naveric; his sarcophagus shall bear the holy trine of the Triad.

Send word if you are willing to accept these terms, and I shall see that you are furnished to cope with the adversity of a cursed grave.

The Three guide your hand,
R. Rulovic
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Re: Correspondence: Merney Valroc

Postby Danuvis » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:05 pm

The rider, accepting the letter without hassle as he enters the city one cold evening, sees the messenger off just as swiftly, and without so much as a word of gratitude or coin to compensate him for his services and efforts; uncaring.

A reply is sent to Rensar Rulovic the following day through a plain missive, tucked within an equally modest envelope. Written in fluid Easting, the author's handwriting is far from that of a first-timer or someone inexperienced, but simultaneously appears scrawled; the unmistakable hand of someone rusty in the ways of writing. Whilst the contents bear an air of rigid formality and decorum, the man's usual bluntness seeps in here and there - confidence oozing out of particular sentences.

Master Rulovic, it is on a silent, cold and solemn night that I write you this letter in hopes of it reaching you in good health and spirit.

Due to the vast gulf of differences between us, I was surprised to hear from you, to put it lightly, but it was not an unpleasant surprise, for in my mind I knew at once that either trouble was afoot or it would be soon be, such is the nature of your name amidst my circles, and I delight in it.

I know not what these gossipmongers of yours utter, and I care not, but know this; they cannot be entirely amiss, for it is the prospect of danger and challenge that pique my interest - the location and history of this undertaking concern me not. Thusly my eagerness to accept your proposal and terms should come off as no surprise;

My aid is yours, I will do as requested and retrieve the relic in question when granted the chance to make my way to Vlasta, though not only for the sake of the danger implied, but also to further my own agenda; I have the means to mark my presence in history, to carve out a place for myself in Impiltur, a land I consider my home.

Few can match my prowess and determination, of that even you must be certain, for you are a man capable of finding out facts, no matter how obscured or veiled in secrecy - the very reason you have decided to entrust this in my hands, I suspect. Once I have completed the task set before me, I shall trust you in turn to keep me in mind in matters of importance that may warrant the aid and presence of a man such as myself.

After all, the Forgotten Kingdom is a land of opportunity for the capable and stalwart, a trait I consider to be one of its many legacies, and legacies must be earned by the choices we make; I am ready to prove myself worthy of Impiltur's.

Go with the clarity of the Lady of Strategy,
Ser Merney Valroc of Arcata

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Re: Correspondence: Merney Valroc

Postby Kilaana » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:09 pm

A reply soon finds its way back to the hedge-knight, along with a parcel.

Ser Valroc:

Impiltur always has room for those of ambition and skill, and rarely do these roads we tread upon go by without a glimpse of the same dream in another heart. Perhaps a man of your talent cares little for the value that lies behind this task, or in the promises that may come with it - a man who seeks a challenge only to overcome it; is it an empty victory when the cheers of the crowd fade after the day's end? I speak of a higher purpose, a greater calling, but a teacher I am not where this is concerned. As one who sees a fellowman atop his steed; he rides well and holds his blade high, but many will say his posture is that of a dead man walking. I mean this as no insult, but an observation through our common acquaintance.

Regardless, your confidence is admirable and you are right; this letter would not have come to you had I not felt certain you were up to task. Whether or not you choose to stay to reap its rewards, it is of small consequence. I shall only ask that the relic be delivered to Naveric himself by your own hands, for I will be out of the City in two days. I make no promises where I cannot keep them, and what information or favour you desire from this end, we shall see what comes to pass.

Enclosed is a package of provisions sponsored by my client. Send word to me when all has been done and said. I will keep my ears close to the ground and send word again of where and when you shall deliver your prize.

Three's blessings,
R. Rulovic
“Violence is the mark of the amateur.” ― Garrett, Thief: The Dark Project

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Re: Correspondence: Merney Valroc

Postby Kilaana » Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:02 am

//Sorry I forgot to mention that this can be arranged at an appropriate date and time that suits the group. Given that this weekend will be busy with two events, there is no timeframe placed on this quest. Above all, I would like for players to interact and enjoy getting together to achieve this goal. Please take all the time you need to gather your resources and post here again when things are more confirmed.
“Violence is the mark of the amateur.” ― Garrett, Thief: The Dark Project

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