The Warpath

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The Warpath

Postby Ataraxia » Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:10 am

Fliers have been posted across Sarshel, Outentown, and even all the way to Vlasta and Filur. They were all written in the draconic script with a natural and practiced hand that oozed with a bottled seething rage in every stroke that formed the letters of this declaration of war. They were signed with a sigil that seemingly had been imprinted into the scroll by slowly burning the material with a candle. Every poster had been carefully treated as its own work of art, it was clear whoever had made them had single-minded determination, perhaps bordering on obsession.

Translation if your character can read Draconic:
I, Jun of Kaldrunoch, declare war on all cowards who associate themselves with the Cult of the Dragon in Impiltur.
It will not end until I have impaled every single one of you. The sky will weep red with your blood.

You may not surrender.
Hear me roar.

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