Player Faction: The Wayfarers

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Player Faction: The Wayfarers

Postby Feronius » Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:13 pm

"Nay Road too Narrow, Nay Giant too Tall."

A company of brave souls from different walks of life, joined together in their calling to explore even the darkest corners of the land. Crossing paths with the beasts and monsters that walk in its shadows.
Some members make their living off of exploration, dungeoneering or mercenary work, for others it is more of a personal quest. A few are merely struck by wanderlust. Whatever it is that guides them, all possess heart.

The group was found in 1363DR and is often seen in the city of Sarshel, Impiltur. Members are known to journey between The Dragon Reach and The Easting Reach, operating primarily around The Easting Coast.
Because they are at their core a band of monster slayers and ruin delvers, the way in which most matters are approached is rather informal and less structured than, say, a mercenary company or a trade guild.

The tasks one might take on range from clearing out a vermin infested basement to chasing down strange rumours in nearby regions or exploring forgotten places that seldom turn out to be truly uninhabited.


Alias(es): "That Adventurers' Guild"
Base of Operations: -
Leader(s): Lev Balakov, Merney Valroc
Type: Company of Adventurers (Group)
Symbol: A Muddied Leather Boot

Region: The Easting Coast, Impiltur (Northeast Faerûn)
Races: Human, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Halfling
Languages: Common, Damaran, Easting
Religions: Lliira, Red Knight, Selûne, Shaundakul, Tempus, Tymora
Alignments: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral

The information above describes the common perception of the group as a whole, individual members may (and most likely will) deviate from this in some way. It is meant to give a quick overall impression of the group. These are not the requirements for joining.

  • Founder (Leader)
  • Pathfinder (Officer)
  • Journeyman (Member)
  • Associate (Initiate)

To join, simply convince one of the current members to vouch for you.
The following people can then admit you to the group:
  • Lev Balakov, The Travelling Mage (Feronius)
  • Merney Valroc, The Hedge Knight (Danuvis)
The person vouching has to be considered an active and full-fledged member of the group, it can not be an associate.
There are no other requirements. Anyone can inquire about joining The Wayfarers, as long as they are able to travel.
Art by Joakim Olofsson
Lev Balakov | Radovan Kazac

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