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Server Event: The Candle Goes Out [Concluded]

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:28 am
by Kilaana
Obsidian Sea wrote:Image

Do you know old Ramin? He is the gaffer that lives in the cottage by the crypt on the Laviguer Road, where the land gives way to the intersecting Mal River, and the road continues across it only by virtue of the old stone bridge built to accomodate it. Ramin Ollef's wife died of illness in 1354 DR, three years after his son was slain alongside King Soarimbar and the rest of his private retinue. Ramin has lived a quiet, reclusive existence since then, friendly but anxious when strangers pass his way. Though he retains his courtesies, he seems to have forgotten what it means to smile. He spends his time thinking of the past, and acting as a caretaker to the nearby burial site.

For a time after his family's passing, Ramin Ollef made his way each tenday into Outentown for the necessaries, briefly catching up with old friends of the family.

After The Time of Troubles, Ramin Ollef ceased to make the journey to Outentown. He earned the name 'Old Ramin' among the youths of the village.

Therese Steinn delivers goods and the concerns of the village to his doorstep now. Old Ramin always has the courtesy and willingness to invite Therese indoors, but they speak only briefly before she knows he wants to be left on his own again. Despite her best efforts, she can never convince him to join her for the walk back into the village to see the familiar faces there who would be glad to see him.

Foremostly, Mrs Steinn brings Ramin the candles he requires for his ministrations: each night he burns thick candles in the cottage that will stay alight until the morning comes. He believes the candlelight will keep him safe from God of Death, Cyric. Therese Steinn comes away from his house after attempted small talk, returning to Outentown with a renewed diligence for her duties, hoping that they may stave off her swelling heart of pity. She is the only face that Ramin willingly sees anymore, but every adventurer who travels in the direction of Laviguer and back again has come to recognise the faint glow of a burning candle each night in that lonely house.

Recently Mrs Steinn's returns to Outentown have been agitated: for the brief time that Ramin is comfortable to socialise with her, he has turned his speech fixedly to the topic of death. He mutters often of Maiden's Leap, and of how The Mad God watches. He admits to Mrs Steinn that he fears he shall not meet his family in the afterlife, ever since The Time of Troubles changed things. Often his words fade down to such a faint whisper that Mrs Steinn cannot hear what he says. When last she was with him, he made some vague, obscure utterances about noises coming from Maiden's Leap. She reassured herself that these were just the words of an old man seeking a cause to complain; the meaningless expressions of malcontent that all elderly people have for the present day.

But now the candles have gone out in old Ramin's cottage. As travelers make their way down from Laviguer, or Vlasta, the faint flicker of candlelight that is their marker for the opposite bank of the Mal River does not wave to them. Pausing for investigation in the thick of the Uktar night, a concerned merchant noticed that the door to Ramin's cottage was only loosely closed, and gave way to a small push of his fingertips. Ramin was not inside.

With worry, Therese Steinn and the folk of Outentown seek the aid of adventurers to find Ramin Ollef.

//OOC: This quest shall be hosted on Thursday 26th November. Players are invited to make their characters aware of the backstory to this quest, detailed here. Please note, however, that the quest hook - Ramin Ollef's disappearance - has not yet happened: this information can be assumed to have been acquired by your PCs on Thursday 26th November, shortly prior to the beginning of the event, which will be 19:30 GMT.
If you cannot make this event, do not be discouraged: more like it will arise, and we do endeavour to organise them for the weekends, when we know most players have better availability.

Re: Server Event: The Candle Goes Out [Concluded]

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:30 am
by Kilaana
Obsidian Sea wrote:Before night has fallen on Outentown, a party of heroes returns to the village with Ramin Ollef alongside them. Frail as he always has been, there is a waxen character to his features that tells of the harrowing experience he and the heroes have had somewhere just out of sight of the Laviguer Road.

A gathering takes place at the meethall. Brother Garrmin, Alvira Legre and Mrs Steinn are in attendance with the merchant that first noticed Old Ramin's disappearance when the Dawnbringer, Artemis D'Assanthe; the rogue-warrior, Corker; the alleged trollslayer, Jonan Mard; the Wood Elf, Kallian; and the Bard of Cimbar, Marcellus Heldeion, return with news of success in their quest. Though one might expect a hasty movement on the part of the villagers to celebrate Old Ramin's safe arrival, first there is business between the heroes and Brother Garrmin.

The village at large remains unaware of what the party encountered when they went on the search for Old Ramin: perhaps it is best that way. They do not make pernicious inquiries when it becomes clear that Mrs Steinn does not wish to discuss it.

Brother Garrmin speaks in the marketplace upon the next day to explain that there shall be due cause for remembrance and solemnity when The Feast of the Moon occurs two days hence. He gives the names of the adventurers involved in rescuing Old Ramin, and encourages the villages to show them the warmth in future encounters; the kind of warmth that cannot be found in the cold caves and dungeons where their brave hearts take them. In short time he retires to the shelter in Outentown, where he awaits further counsel on the events of the previous day from the Dawnbringer, Artemis D'Assanthe.

It is decided with some difficulty that Ramin Ollef will stay with Therese Steinn on the chicken farm. Ramin Ollef has not the strength to resist the idea, though his will pulls somewhat against it - though he has no desire to continue living in his cottage on the other side of the Mal River from Maiden's Leap, he does not wish to see the graves that he has attended for so long to go into disrepair. He knows, too, that the Steinn household shall have a difficult time continuing to accommodate another mouth to feed without inconvenience and the kindness of their neighbours in the Winter season. It is the hope of the Steinn family that someone will come forward who is willing to care for the graves and the Ollef cottage, and that the young Briah Steinn shall soon find a man to wed her.

And so the Feast of the Moon will come: a time of solemnity, and of celebration; of remembrance and storytelling. Perhaps this year in Outentown, the tales of past heroes and lost treasures shall be met with tales of future promise - tales of the heroes of the present day.

//OOC: Thank you everybody for your attendance and support on this event. This thread remains open for characters who wish to pursue the aftermath of the event for other roleplaying opportunities.
I hope everybody enjoyed themselves as much as I enjoyed seeing your engagement with the event: in the future I will continue to try and provide opportunities that will challenge and develop characters, however I feel it is important to explain that I cannot easily personalise and appropriate events to suit your characters if I do not know that your characters shall be there. When possible (and I understand that it is not always possible), please let me know via the forums if one of your characters shall be in attendance for the event, and I will do what I can to make the event feel meaningful to them.