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Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:43 am
by Holy_Rage
I would like to share a few details about tomorrow's upcoming expedition event:

1) Mustering time is 8 pm GMT, aiming for an 8.30 pm GMT start

Timezone conversion info:
UTC (Time Zone) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 20:30:00 UTC UTC
New York (U.S.A. - New York) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 15:30:00 EST UTC-5 hours
Regina (Canada - Saskatchewan) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 14:30:00 CST UTC-6 hours
Los Angeles (U.S.A. - California) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 12:30:00 PST UTC-8 hours
London (United Kingdom - England) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 20:30:00 GMT UTC
Amsterdam (Netherlands) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 21:30:00 CET UTC+1 hour
Belgrade (Serbia) Sunday, 13 December 2015, 21:30:00 CET UTC+1 hour
Darwin (Australia - Northern Territory) Monday, 14 December 2015, 06:00:00 ACST UTC+9:30 hours
2) The expedition shall start at the village of Vlasta.
3) The event is open to everyone that would like to participate! There is no upper limit of PCs that can be involved, and no special invitation is required, either ICly or OOCly.
4) Showing up in Vlasta at the appointed time is all that is required of you. The rest shall be worked out ICly between the PCs.
5) For any questions, feel free to catch me here or on our Skype chat or In-game.

[3:05:27 AM] Panos: If noone shows up, Hróin will go to a cloister of Ibrandul and become a nun. Although the idea is very compelling to many of you, I urge you to show up and have a good time together.
Thank you in advance for your interest!

Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:12 am
by Hagra
(DC: 10 pass if you want to RP seeing Faile and Hróin; below is a quick list of her eager style)

For anyone who may want to RP leaving for Vlasta and walking down The Laviguer Road in the middle of the night you may run into a very talkative young girl walking with a very grumpy looking dwarf. She's nearly skipping along side of him, talking about adventure, soup recipes and a graveyard near Vlasta she has visited.

She'll spend a lot of time on a bridge that crosses a raging river, showing Hróin the eddies and tiny whirlpools that form, to pointing up at the open sky where the brightest star shines and how it's used by many sailors for navigation. Her smiles are always full, and her nods are always eager, quite oblivious to his mumbling, grumbling and unhappiness at her tagging along.

If a cool wind picks up, she offers him a spare shawl for his big shiny head.

If he becomes hungry, she offers him some wool, assuring the grumpy fellow it's quite safe to eat after she sprinkles something upon it.

If he doesn't join in on the conversation, that's okay too, because she keeps an eye on him and offers her friendship openly without question, and there is always something to talk about!

As for anyone who may have seen her eating soup with Hróin before their departure, they may have noticed a slight warmth from her toward the little fellow, despite his continued building of brick walls between the two.

She beams whenever his name is spoken.

Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:54 am
by Holy_Rage
In anticipation of tonight's event.


Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:05 pm
by Copper Dragon
In anticipation for more:

Yogscast - Diggy Diggy Hole

Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:18 am
by Holy_Rage
I would like to thank everyone involved for their patience during the long, non-action filled hours of RP in the expedition's current location. I am in no way trying to be tedious; in fact, I am trying to strike a fine balance between plot advancement and character interaction. To those that have felt bored or excluded due to the static nature of tonight's events, I apologise.

Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:04 pm
by Copper Dragon
The Secrets Below

OOC: The following is a tiny summary / recap of what happened during the week. Note that PCs who couldn't make it do not know all these details, because the participants were asked in all ceremony and gravity not to tell anyone else. This is for your OOC enjoyment, reassurance that what you missed out on won't deprive you of fun to come, and as teaser; but, it is also to acknowledge the PCs and players during Holy_Rage's quest, and to be able to look back to this fondly one day. Note that the descriptions are still kept vague so as not to spoil the fun of discovering locations, monsters, etc.
Edited because I was bound to foolishly forget a name.

13th of Nightal, 1362DR
Hróin the Old Beard, the Mountain Grinch, the Ever-Frown, the Seeker, meets with his crew-to-be at the (almost) nameless village of Vlasta. From here he will set out with his Apprentice Ms. Pine, his kinsman Azarbuzlar Stahl, Perry Quietfoot, Sagi the Minstrel, Faile Loomgold, Barnabis Bullroy (and his hammer, Bolgamor), the resourceful Amber Tunnelfarer, and Kallian and Celith Galiner, two elves-sparse-of-words.

They leave the village with shovels, torches, rations, camping equipment, and much more bulging on two donkeys' backs, drawn by the local Sarja who comes with the group in the hopes of earning sturdy coin.

The expeditioners disappear into the foothills and are not seen again for several days.

In the tunnels to come they meet giant vermin, whose carapaces are hard, but not hard enough to push back the group. Battles ensue and finally a camping site is set up within the caves and safety is achieved; but at a cost. The white-beard Azarbuzlar pays to the giant chitinous hosts with his life.

14th of Nightal, 1362DR
The expeditioners are followed into their camp by two newcomers; sir Jerek of the Warswords and the elf calling herself 'Dove'. One offers to assist, the other to stay, and in this manner one white-haired companion is seemingly replaced with another - because Jerek brings Azarbuzlar's heavy body away from the caves and to the healers of the lowlands, while Dove stays with the group.

The Delvers Deep leave the makeshift campsite soon enough and head for the tunnels again. They meet more dangerous giant vermin, but no more ally falls to their pincers or spittle; the group instead finds an orc and other corpses.

Many steps farther they arrive at their destination, farther underground. They are greeted by an unbearable, red heat, and by steadfast gates... of dwarven work.

14th-16th of Nightal, 1362DR

The Delvers Deep are taken in by dwarves, who are well-armed and well-accustomed (indeed, perhaps born for) the conditions down below. They receive the expeditioners with stern but righteous hospitality. It is here that the group is asked to pledge not to speak of what they have found and what they are going to see soon enough; the dwarves do not want their location, nor their very existence, known by outsiders.

Dealing with the dwarves would have taught much to the group about them as a people, and about Hróin, their leader, as a person. While both the people and the single dwarf were taciturn and held their secrets close to heart, it was also clear that they held honour and responsibility utmost high, and the importance they gave words - and silences - was immense.

For the coming few days the group rests, recovers and plans in the dwarves' stoney care. On the 15th a deal is struck; on the 16th, members of the group escort the Vlastan wagoneer, Sarja, out whence they'd come while other members scout 'the Way', ahead.

17th of Nightal, 1362DR
With the deal agreed upon by all, and the expeditioners regathering in full attendance, the missive continues. The dwarves make promises of payment and in exchange want the Delvers Deep to clear the tunnels ahead, so that the dwarves might consider reopening a trading route down that way (after a few recent collapses and earth-heavings, which the dwarves remarked to be unusual).

The Delvers Deep get one dwarven escort to their retinue and they venture forth. The labyrinthine, worming tunnels were difficult to navigate even with a Stout scout to guide them, and dangerous.

Still - without mishaps worthy of mentioning - the group emerged by the end of day to the surface, not far from Vlasta. They were greeted by a setting sun; a symbol to the expedition's end. For now...

A final gathering is held at The Drunken Carp, Vlasta's inn, and Hróin doles out the shares that were promised for the expeditioners. Locals would have seen the relief of returning safely on their faces, but on some also a grim discontent, a tension with the dwarf who had led them through safely. Still, all take their appointed share, and the unspoken promise hung in the air - they, or at least Hróin, would return to the depths soon enough.

Re: Player Event: What Lies Beneath (13th December)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:01 pm
by Holy_Rage
Many thanks to all those that participated, got involved in any quality or have shown interest to the event, be they players, builders or DMs. And special thanks to Kilaana for providing the expedition's introductory banner and to Copper Dragon for her OOC summary.

See you soon in the Deep. Or above it. Or somewhere in between.-
