A Merchant's Line of Questioning

Silver Snow
Posts: 310
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:28 am

A Merchant's Line of Questioning

Postby Silver Snow » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:59 pm

It is no public secret that the bardess, Abigail Beaumont of the Kingfisher, is also at the least a dabbler in mercantile practices. Her interactions with such are shrewd and skilled, and there's rumor about that she intends to open a business of her own involving the import and export of goods. These rumors are fed by certain inquisitions the bardess has been making. The first has been for space, property foreclosed or no longer in use that could serve as a headquarters for a potential business in the future..all speculative of course. She gets an understanding of prices and quotes to take such an undertaking as well..but her deepest line of questions have been on the import taxes and excise laws present in Sarshel.
With a firm statement that she wishes to understand the local customs and laws before she engages in business, Abigail has been making rounds of inquiries. Some formal, within the official Impilturan trading circles, and others less so. Her primary source of information has been the dockmaster at the Sarshel docks, the bardess taking particular interest in the varied import taxes and allowed goods. She would seek to understand what within Impiltur's circles would be considered illegal, and what simply heavily taxed and frowned upon with the airy explanation of "We certainly had entirely different customs statements in Selgaunt.." Her questioning touches on the topic of the import of foreign commodities from the far east or even the Chultan isles, with examples given of Chultan Pipeweed, eastern fruit of the Opium poppy, and others. The bardess, skilled in people, would mark all of these interests as passing ones, but sought to understand the regulations as well as she could.

//OOC for DMs:
Abigail is specifically trying to find out the legalities of drug imports and how legal it is to own and use and sell in Impiltur, specifically Opium, and trying to do so in a clever way to never draw attention to the fact. If the dockmaster is not the right person to ask regarding the regulations, assume she does ask the right people, as Abigail is more informed and more skilled at this stuff than I am with my very limited OOC knowledge!

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