Isalin Pine - Family Matters

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Obsidian Sea
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Isalin Pine - Family Matters

Postby Obsidian Sea » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:03 pm

Miss Pine goes far along The Prince's Road. Danger still lingers nearby, though if there was ever a resourceful mind among the adventuring world, it was hers. The Daemons do not pass her over, she passes over them, and with a large contingent of the Most Holy Order on a forced march out of Laviguer to trace the Daemon Prince's trajectory, the threat is by and large gutted upon their of righteous blades. By the late evening, Miss Pine is too far from Sarshel to know of the destruction and ultimate triumph that is wrought there. She encounters her cousin, Caldric, and his wife who is with child: funny, she had not even heard the news.

Shortly thereafter, more of her relatives are encountered. But Chaos is an irreverent thing, sparing little time for sentimentality or for moments of tender reflecting: uncle Andern was still in Laviguer when the Daemon Prince swooped down to reign destruction, and as yet there is nothing to say he lives, and reason stands in the way of hoping that he is. Uncle Raumryn's body lies somewhere in the snow only three miles outside of Laviguer, torn from the caravan by the very same style of Daemon that Isalin Pine has fought on the Laviguer Road.

Otherwise, her family seems to have survived the great tragedy, though with substantial losses in livelihood that remain to be recovered, and the loss of their loved ones no less than that. It is only aunt Edda and her lone son, Elbi, who remain absent from the final tally. Isalin Pine, if she is determined still, learns of one caravan's forced retreat into Vlasta Bog, drawn desperately off the road to escape a Daemon assault to which there were no survivors among those who held their ground to give the caravan time. But Vlasta Bog is a place as haunted by danger as by rumour. There is little knowing what aunt Edda's chances of survival are, nor any other upon the caravan taken thither by a last gasp effort to preserve life.
Heomar Bloodstone

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Obsidian Sea
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Re: Isalin Pine - Family Matters

Postby Obsidian Sea » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:10 pm

It has been two days since 'The End of the 7th', and since the first fleets of refugees journeyed through Vlasta.

Word has come to Vlasta of the triumph of Sarshel, the Most Holy Order, and independently rallied heroes over the alleged Daemon Prince. This has its effect in ameliorating the conditions of refugees and locals in Vlasta by way of their morale. They have been passed over by imminent doom, and things feel at last as though they will return to a somewhat state of normalcy. The people of Laviguer look towards returning to their mining settlement, but that will have to come in time. The Most Holy Order continue to move along the roads and in smaller strike teams, hoping to deal with the last of the imminent Daemon threats and cast the concentration of Impiltur's most wicked foe back into The Barrowlands.

But doing this is not so easily managed, for The Most Holy Order is stretched far across the road, with many having held their course direct to Sarshel to aid in the rout there. The watchscouts of Vlasta are ill-equpped for such supernatural warring, and with the village overcrowded, relief of a simpler kind is offered as they journey into the wilds seeking game and medicinal herbs. The whereabouts of the wayward caravan and the fate of its passengers goes largely unheeded, but by a small strike force composed of men of Vlasta and Midrikaul's militias that ventured into the bog yestermorning and have yet to return.

Commitment to her quest reveals little to Isalin Pine about what inhabits the bog beyond what she has already known in her previous exploits as an adventurer. That Daemons dwell within has not occurred as a priority to The Most Holy Order, and though they are likely to turn their attention to it in due time, there is little expectation given the myriad of dangers therein that any civilians could survive for long. Tracks have been found beyond the bog: Giantkin, but with such dense activity along the road lately all such discoveries are seem displaced by new intelligence. The most recent activity of adventurers in the bog as spoken of by villagers of Vlasta was a foolhardy strike at the hale population of Lizardmen that was - though largely successful - feared by some to herald the possibility of a reprisal upon Midrikaul or the roads by the surviving reptiles.

The last of the caravans from Laviguer are yet to arrive, but military authorities confirm to any inquirer that the settlement should have been completely evacuated now, minus the casualties that are yet to be tallied, reported in, and put to a respectful burial.
Heomar Bloodstone

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