Server Promotions!

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Server Promotions!

Postby Talisman » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:33 am

Yooo! This isn't really aimed at the team specifically so much as the whole crowd of veteran and new TER-rarians, or whatever we want to call ourselves. It's been more than a year since TER last ran a promotional gauntlet through the escapist, role-playing, and yet-thriving NWN communities across the world wide web. I think it's high-time we get our name out again! EVERY server needs promotion--it's a part of the life-cycle. Like Respiration. Ya gotta breathe sometimes. It is part of the business, and since we're a business with no wages, we gotta rely on volunteers. So I ask you to volunteer a couple man(or woman)-hours into promoting us! NOT because you don't or do like what the server is today--those are ephemeral conditions that we as humans latch too closely to--but because we all see, in our own way, what TER could be. Maybe your vision of what it could be is different than mine, or someone else's. That doesn't matter because it's not the current, and we don't have a prophetic manuscript of what TER will become. Instead we all play a part in what it will or won't become. Anyway, I'm getting pretty tangential so let me reel it in. Obviously I'm not encouraging people to recruit trolls, griefers, or other detriments to the community--BUT I AM encouraging you to recruit your people. Your crowd. People that YOU like to RP with! Diversity is a good thing.

For my part, I've been greasing the wheels on getting my RL bestie to play with me! He and I have been playing D&D for yeears, so I think I can do it! I'm not very knowledgeable about NWN communities, but I'd be glad to promote for us there if someone has links!

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Re: Server Promotions!

Postby blatob » Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:06 pm

Good idea. I don't know about the links, perhaps the GoG site/forum might be one, but i am waiting for the recent changes to be debugged to update the post on NWN Vault.

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Re: Server Promotions!

Postby CluelessNoob » Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:00 am

Maybe this is worth reinvestigating? I'll do my best!

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