Letters Home - Alannia Phoenix

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Letters Home - Alannia Phoenix

Postby Nereida » Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:06 pm

A young woman with long mahogany hair sits near a window in a small inn room. Her green eyes glance momentarily through the window at the darkened streets below before she puts pen to paper, her face solemn and focused as her fine, somewhat flourish script begins to fill the page.

"Dear mother and father,

I have arrived to Sarshel, safe and sound, minus the unfortunate loss of my luggage in a mudslide caused by the heavy snowing. Torm be thanked no lives were lost as our carriage toppled to spill the baggage down that steep hillside. I am still a bit bruised and lacking the fine dresses mother packed for me, as well as the longbow I was given upon leaving. But I am here, and have already found a great many causes for me to be glad to have been sent to this place.

Sarshel is a bustling, thriving city, the old mingling with the new as many parts are being rebuilt after the terrible incident at the temple of the Triad. The temple was one of the oldest and most splendid buildings still remaining, and I am sure the city will see that it is returned to its former glory.

I have met Faithblade Serace Highblade as you instructed. She is a kind and humble woman, despite her tangible strength of body and spirit. I found that she has undergone certain trials, and she has been partially disabled due to a fiery wound caused by demons, which melded part of her armour into her arm. She still serves Torm in the best way she can, more in attention to the church and its administration than in the battlefield. I can't help but feel humbled in her presence. She gave me sound advice and mentioned that I should start finding good like-minded allies, and sooner than later I would be ready for my initiation in the Triadic ways, specifically those of The True. I am boiling in anticipation for that day to come, to honour our family's tradition. The day that, like father, and like grandfather before him, I may become a full Tormtar.

For now, of all the things, what happened at the Temple of the Triad has me most curious, but so far information has been scarce. I shall strive to learn more, of this and so many other things yet to explore, and to do you both proud.

Your loving daughter, Alannia"

Rahve Siegersson, Nars Tribeswoman and Shieldmaiden.
Alannia Phoenix, Battlepriestess of Torm.

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Re: Letters Home - Alannia Phoenix

Postby Nereida » Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:29 pm

With a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and furry slippers warming her feet, the young woman makes her way across the room, her bed abandoned for lack of sleep. She lights a candle, smiling towards back for a moment before she begins to write once more, the scratch of pen on paper just barely disturbing the silent night.

"Dearest Bruno,

Why are you not here!? There is so much for you to see and learn in Sarshel, and so many adventures, tales and thoughts I would share with you! My head feels close to bursting with them all, and I must leak some of it out on paper before I could even begin to sleep.

The past few days have been astounding! I have spent much time in the city and its outskirts, it is a place I simply know you would adore, for all the room it has to roam in wild places. The forests and the fields, I have only just begun to explore, for it is infested by bandits and tribes of goblins and hobgoblins, making for an exciting though deadly mix if one does not choose travelling companions well.

But I think I have done just that, making new friends and acquaintances from the adventurers, travellers and local folk here, and oh, so many are the ones I wish you could meet. The land has many defenders, like Cassandra, always vigilant guardian of the roads, keeping it safe for travellers. She is such person that I think you would admire, perhaps somewhat grim, yet most unrelenting in her fight. Allie has a greater warmth, and an uncanny ability to take the fore and dish out the smiting without breaking much of a sweat. Though somewhat rough of speech, I think you would like her well, for in truth she reminds me a little of you.

And then there's Ik'hrama, oh Ik'hrama. She is a newcomer to this area, just as I, and have very swiftly become most dear to me - this is her special talent, I think, to be able so likeable, and yet ever remain herself. She loves knowledge and studies wizardry and she is lovely; spirited and clever, elegant and kind. Ik'hrama brings out something a little mischievous in me too, boosting the sensation I have experienced upon arrival here - that I am not always Lady Alannia Phoenix, but simply Alannia. 'Tis both warming and liberating at times, to feel like this.

She and I shared the most terrifying and intense experience of my life. We we exploring the land when we found an abandoned boat with a breach in the hull. As we entered to explore it, two large zombies rose from the partially flooded section we were in, and shambled forth to attack us. They were rather slow in their pace, but those were undead! Torm demanded that they be removed and their taint cleansed from the land, and so I charged to meet them, aided by Ik'hrama's spells. Turns out they were more than a tough fight for us, and even as I struck one of them down, the other one slammed me pretty hard on the head, and sent me groggy into the damp floor. My muscles were numbed, my vision blurred as all I could see was how the undead creature towered over me, raising its arm to deliver the fatal blow.

Then I saw a slender, well-cared hand grabbing the undead's wrist to stop it. Believe or not, Ik'hrama, with her elegant clothes, no weapons and no martial training whatsoever, jumped onto the zombie to keep it away from me! The zombie turned about and swatted her away, sending her hard against the wooden wall. She must have hit her head hard, because she immediately fell unconscious. Luckily enough, her brave intervention bought me enough time to catch my breath and drink a healing potion, and with the fury of Torm I landed the decisive strike that put the creature down.

My worry was for Ik'hrama, though! I rushed towards her and felt her pulse was very weak, so I did what I could to get her heart and lungs going, just as I was taught in my first aid training. Either it helped, or her body managed to endure the shock by itself, as a few moments after, she timidly raised her eyelids, confused and shaken. After that we had a short stop to recover, and eventually made it back to Sarshel through the cold evening to have a very, very good and warm rest.

So many different and varied emotions! And despite it all, I miss you Bruno, you should have come! Surely the sky won't fall if you at least come to visit me for a tenday or two! I look forward to seeing you soon.

Your dearest sister, Alannia"

Rahve Siegersson, Nars Tribeswoman and Shieldmaiden.
Alannia Phoenix, Battlepriestess of Torm.

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Re: Letters Home - Alannia Phoenix

Postby Nereida » Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:26 am

The last lingering rays of a red sunset spills through the window, glistening like blood on the rusted blade of a longsword in the young woman's hands. Her brown eyes are full of wonder, yet her movements are slow with weariness as the sword is diligently cared for, cleaned, sharpened and finally placed aside. The hilt is shaped in the symbol of Torm, and despite the rust clinging to it and the blade itself, the sword looks both well made and sharp of edge. Deep in thought, Alannia stares out the window as the sun disappears below the city skyline, then lights the candle and begins to write.

"Dear mother and father,

Today, we have have struck a decisive blow against the foul evil that plagues this land. Myself and a small group of warriors consisting of Cassandra the halberdier, Allie, Ik'hrama and a few faithful of Siamorphe that are led themselves by Louhi, their priestess. Our mission was a success, though the victory was bought with every last drop of blood, sweat and tears we possessed, for all of us were near death's door in this fight.

As one in our group mentioned that the cemetery nearby had been rustling with unsettling activity, with all kinds of crawling and scratching being heard at night, we decided to march towards this locale, to find out what was behind these events, and attempt to put an end to them, if action was warranted. As it always seems to happen, we arrived there during the night, the eerie atmosphere was heavy and palpable. We located the source of most of the noise, a large crypt, and so we delved into it.

As soon as we entered, we saw dead bodies, a clear indication that it was not safe in that place, and that something was amiss. Soon as we made the first turn, the crawling noises was joined by more disturbing, skittering ones. And soon we found the culprits - fire ants, some of them big as large dogs began to crawl down walls and columns, attacking from all sides. We fought as we could, Cassandra and Allie ever taking point as I closely flanked them and kept an eye on the followers of Siamorphe and Ik'hrama.

Never a moment of respite, we fought on through the crypts, slaying the chitinous assailants in our advance, while some one of the followers of the Divine Right fell to the ground severely wounded. We managed to pry the fire ant off him and get him back on his feet, when a moment after another followed suit, which we could equally pull out of danger and stabilise. At the very far end of the crypts, the corridors took a turn towards a more isolated chamber, where their leader awaited: a gigantic ant queen which immediately sent after us a large number of its children. It was quite the strong adversary too, as it had our most seasoned warriors fighting defensively and even retreating to catch a breath.

We chipped and nicked at its hard and durable chitinous armour, but when it was already on its last legs, it began to thrash furiously, denting our numbers. "Just one more strike, good Torm, just one", I thought, but it was the ant queen that got there first, it's claw-like appendages finding an opening in Allie's guard to send her tumbling to the ground. But then, our steel hit true in turn! It fell, and everyone's lives were saved just in time, thanks to the combined efforts of all of us.

Cassandra mentioned that the tombs should remain undisturbed and I asked that please that would be so. It had been a good fight to remove the ant plague from the resting place of the dead, and that would surely be a deed worthy of a reward, but the dead were not to become the unwilling donors. Profaning those tombs would undo any good deed achieved that day, and so everyone seemed to agree and we left the place with the satisfaction of a deed well done.

Afterwards, we did search the cemetery's other large crypt and came up on yet more trouble. This time the opposition was less natural - a band of thieves, smugglers or probably both were doing precisely what we avoided, coming from the other crypt. Robbing the dead of their belongings. When we confronted, they admitted no guilt or shame, and instead came at us, steels a-glinting. The fight was a fierce one as well as most of our warriors focused on a group of them who fought together by the right corridor. I thought to engage the one lonely ruffian that stood on his own, just in the other wing across the small intersection. What a severe mistake! This one turned out to be either the leader, or an outstandingly skillful fighter, and got the better of me in just a few quick feints and slashes. As I clutched a painful stab right above my leg plate, my allies covered me, tended to me and formed a wall so the ruffian could reach me no more. Slowly I rose back to my feet using my sword as support just to see how this foe was taken down, being the last of them to fall. And so with another good deed done, we slugged our way through the snowy road back to the city, none of us dead, but most of us nearly so.

So far, every conflict I've faced against the minions of evil has been highly challenging, with several close calls - but know this, mother, father! They have all been accounted for as victories, each and every one in the name of Torm. "Every success adds to his luster". I am intent in keeping up, albeit attempting to remain more often on my feet, and less bloodied, I promise! I shall not rest until no evil walks this land. I've only come so far, but with such companions and with Torm's aid, the task ~shall~ be completed. This is my solemn vow.

Your ever optimistic, loving daughter, Alannia.

Rahve Siegersson, Nars Tribeswoman and Shieldmaiden.
Alannia Phoenix, Battlepriestess of Torm.

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