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Re: Hello

Postby Loreweaver » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:24 pm


The old thread would still be accurate, to a large degree. PvP should be avoidable, have a clear goal and clear rules. What these are is up to you, as appropriate to the circumstances.

The short version would be as follows:

1) Make sure everyone involved is fine with PvP taking place. Characters should be allowed to back out, effectively a mild form of surrender, unless a DM rules otherwise.
2) Decide on the win/loss conditions (e.g. character is dropped to Badly Injured or leaves the area) and on the win/loss consequences for the characters involved (hand over the magic weapon, pay me ten silvers and stop going after my magic weapon, etc.). Defeated characters are expected to honour these conditions, at least for a reasonable period of time (which is best defined too).
3) Decide on the means of PvP (e.g. no magic, no potions). Unless specified, anything goes (players would be well advised to post rulesets on the forum to refer to rather than discussing all possible combat aspects every time, since that can take a while).
4) When all participants are explicitly in agreement, PvP may take place.

Any PCs in the area who may intervene should be involved in the process. Any NPCs in the area respond as DMs see fit, and additional consequences to the fighting may apply.

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